Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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14.04.2017 16:19
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Works within the program of scientific research for 2017-2019 to be discuss at the meeting

Works within the program of scientific research for 2017-2019 to be discuss at the meeting

ANAS Institute of Geology and Geophysics held next meeting of the Academic Council. Opening the event, Deputy Director of the Institute for Scientific Work, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Dadash Huseynov acquainted participants with the issues on the agenda on April 14.

First, head of the Department of Tectonophysics and Geomechanics of the Institute, Academician Hatam Guliyev told about the results achieved in 2014-2017. Under the program "Complex of theoretical and experimental research of interdisciplinary problems of geomechanics", performed with the support of the Presidium of ANAS.

Further, the forthcoming work within the framework of the research program for 2017-2019 was discussed.

At the meeting also were exchanged of views due the works envisaged in connection with the research projects on "Investigation of the macro- and micro-heterogeneity of the productive formation in connection with the formation and development of oil and gas deposits (on the example of deposits typical for the South Caspian basin)", "Petrogene indicator role of intrusive complexes in Evolution of Mesozoic magnetism and ore of the South Caucasus","Development of methods for extracting metals of industrial importance from ore and ore debris based on membrane technology (n But an example of ore objects in the Dashkesen district)"and "Geoecological assessment of the radio geochemical state of the basins of the rivers of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Part II: the southern foot of the Greater Caucasus)".

In addition, there were speeches devoted to the course of research work 2015-2017. Studies were carried out on the topic "Methods of decision making during drilling of wells with allowance for nonlinear deformations of the geological environment", "History of the development of scientific research in the field of petrology and metallogeny in Azerbaijan (Part II: 1971-1991)", "Models of thermal Flow and heat exchange at the bottom of the Caspian Sea".

The meeting ended with a discussion of staffing and other issues.

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