Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


General meetings of ANAS to be held
19.04.2017 15:45
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General meetings of ANAS to be held

At a regular meeting of the Presidium of ANAS, which was held on April 19, the issue of holding General Meetings of ANAS was considered.

At the meeting, President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh in detail told about the issues on the agenda of the meetings. The academician noted that such issues as the report on scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the Presidium of ANAS in 2016, the presentation of the "Gold Medal named after Nizami Ganjavi" and the nominal prizes of ANAS, the election of active members and corresponding members of ANAS, the Vice-President and Academic Secretaries of the Divisions of Social Sciences, Physical-Mathematical and Technical Sciences of ANAS.

The Presidium adopted a resolution on holding General meetings of ANAS on April 28 and May 2 of this year and on approving their agenda.

Also at the meeting, heads of structural units were given appropriate instructions in connection with the preparation of materials reflecting issues to be considered at the General meetings, meeting the challenges in connection with the conduct of elections, organizing an exhibition in connection with the event, etc.

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