Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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11.06.2024 19:11
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Presentation of the monograph “Zangezur: From the Distant Past Up to Now” was held in the Central Scientific Library of ANAS

Presentation of the monograph “Zangezur: From the Distant Past Up to Now” was held in the Central Scientific Library of ANAS

Presentation of the monograph of the member of the Control-Inspection Commission of the Western Azerbaijan Community, chairman of Labor and Social Policy Committee of the Milli Majlis, parliamentarian, poet and publicist, Ph.D. in history Musa Urud (Guliyev) titled “Zangezur: From the Distant Past Up to Now” was held in the Central Scientific Library of ANAS on June 11.

The parliamentarians of the Milli Majlis, scientists and specialists of the scientific institutions of ANAS, mass media and public representatives participated in the event.

President of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbeyli made a speech at the event. He highlighted the importance of the book from the scientific and political point of view.

The academician reminded the meeting of President Ilham Aliyev with the members of the Western Azerbaijan Community on December 24, 2022, and added that during that meeting the President defined the program of upcoming tasks of Azerbaijan. It was noted that the duties are fulfilled by the Western Azerbaijan Community with great responsibility and at a high level.  

The president of ANAS also spoke about the events conducted by the Academy of Sciences concerning Western Azerbaijan. He said that by the decisions of the Presidium of ANAS on December 29, 2022 the Department of History of Western Azerbaijan was established at the Institute of History named after A. A. Bakikhanov, Department of Folklore of Western Azerbaijan at the Institute of Folklore and Department of Toponymy at the Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi. The atlas of “Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur dialects of the Azerbaijani language” was prepared and published by the Institute of Linguistics. Academic Isa Habibbeyli noted that the steps taken by the Azerbaijani scientists regarding Western Azerbaijan caused anxiety for the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia.

The academician noted that the Coordinating Council for Western Azerbaijan Studies was established in ANAS and the dictionary of Western Azerbaijan Encyclopedia was prepared.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli stated that a decision on the establishment of the Department of Research of Western Azerbaijan and Karabakh Manuscripts in the Institute of Manuscripts of ANAS named after Muhammad Fuzuli had been adopted today, during the meeting of the Presidium of ANAS for studying and promoting of intangible cultural heritage of Karabakh and Azerbaijani population of Western Azerbaijan.

The academician underlined that the book’s presentation was one of the significant events realized within President Ilham Aliyev’s Concept of Return to Western Azerbaijan. Describing Musa Urud’s monograph “Zangezur: From the Distant Past Up to Now” as a comprehensive publication the academician Isa Habibbeyli expressed his confidence that the book would be a trusted source for the historians, archeologists and linguists and today’s thoughts and discussions would serve for further detailed study.

Then, the director of the Institute of Linguistics, Professor Nadir Mammadli stated that the book contains a detailed explanation of 838 toponyms. The history of toponyms in Zangezur and cultural-ethnographic view of the region had been studied in the book based on the historical sources, documents, scientific literature, memories and information of the residents.  

He also mentioned that the Azerbaijani translation of one of the most precious books of the Turkic World, Mahmud Kashgari’s “Dīwān Lughāt Al-Turk”, was found in the archive of the Institute of Linguistics in 2023 at the initiative of the president of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbeyli. The Professor also added that the work of Mahmud Kashgari also deals with the courageous tribe Zangi.  

The scientists and specialists made speeches at the event as well underlining the importance of publication of the book in Russian language and its promotion in foreign countries. It was said that the issue regarding Western Azerbaijan is one of the main objectives of our intellectuals. It was noted that Musa Urud, had been trying to research the history of one of the ancient territories of Azerbaijan-Zangezur throughout his activity and the presented book is another expression of the author’s love to the native land.

In the end, Musa Urud spoke about the process of the creation of the book and expressed his gratitude to the organizations and attendees of the event.    

Translator: Reyhan Majidli, Public Relations, Press and Information Department of the Presidium Administration of ANAS

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