Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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27.02.2014 00:00
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Scientific session dedicated to corresponding member of ANAS Shamil Fatullayev Figarov’s 85th anniversary

Scientific session dedicated to corresponding member of ANAS Shamil Fatullayev Figarov’s 85th anniversary

Scientific session dedicated to Azerbaijan State Prize laureate, honored architect, president of the Academy of Architecture of Eastern countries, corresponding member of the International Academy of Architecture (Russia), a full member of International Congress of Turkish Art, corresponding member of ANAS Professor Shamil Figarov’s 85th anniversary was held at the main building of ANAS.

Representatives of the scientific and cultural community, well-known scientists and intellectuals, artists, representatives of the media participated at the event.

The scientific session was opened by the director of the institute, professor Ertegin Salamzadeh who talked about scientist’s glorious path of life, rich scientific activity and congratulated scientist on 85th anniversary.

Vice president of National Academy of Sciences, academician Isa Habibbaylimentioned efficient way of his creativity and noted preparation of 15 candidates and 4 PhDs under his direction. He specially emphasized Shamil Fatullayev Figarov’s “XIX and beginning of the XX century Baki urban architecture”, " Urban planning and architecture of the XIX - XX century of Baki” , " Azerbaijani mosques " , " Iranian cities Gajar era " , " Architecture Encyclopedia of Baki " , " Absheron architecture " , " Architect - Mashhadi Mirza Gafar Ismailov " monographs as examples of fundamental sciences of Azerbaijan in the world.

PhD in architecture Sevinj Tangudur made a lecture on “Shamil Fatullayev Figarov’s ways of life " and noted that Shamil Fatullayev Figarov was born in Baki December 24, 1928, in 1953 Architecture and Construction faculty of Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute. In 1956 became a postgraduate of “Institute of Architecture and Art” of ANAS, in 1963 he gained a degree of Ph.D and in 1980 Doctor and received the title of professor in 1990.

Then doctor of architecture Rayiha Amanzadeh’s “Iranian urban planning and architecture as the part of Shamil Fatullayev Figarov’s activity” was listened.

Speakers at the event congratulated scientist on his 85th anniversary shared their memories about him.

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