Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Azerbaijan has analyzed the stability of landscapes to contamination with crude oil
22.06.2017 14:39
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Azerbaijan has analyzed the stability of landscapes to contamination with crude oil

In Russia, published the monograph on "The Persistence of Azerbaijan's Landscapes along Export Pipelines to Crude Oil Pollution" co-authored by the head of the Laboratory of Soil Microbiology of ANAS Institute of Microbiology, Ph.D in Biology Samira Najafova and Senior Researcher of the Laboratory, Professor Nariman Ismayilov.

Reviewers of the book are academician Magerram Babayev, Honored Scientist, Professor A. Gerayzadeh.

In the edition for the first time, taking into account complex biogenic and abiogenic factors, was analyzed stability of natural landscapes along Azerbaijan's export pipelines to contamination with crude oil.

During the environmental impact assessment, the relationship between existing components and the principle of dependence are taken as a basis.

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