Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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22.11.2017 17:29
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Scientific conference devoted to academician Vasim Mammadaliyev’s 75th anniversary

Scientific conference devoted to academician Vasim Mammadaliyev’s 75th anniversary

The scientific-practical conference devoted to the 75th anniversary of academician Vasim Mammadaliyev, prominent orientalist, Honored Scientist, Laureate of "Glory" and "Honor" has been held at Baku State University (BSU).

He spent all his life on enrichment of our people's morality. He incorporated the wisdom of the Muslim East with deep intellectual insight into the propagation, spreading and writing of the Islamic religion, its value.Our people have been forbidden, but our people, like the great scholars Vasim Mammadaliyev, have kept God's love as a sacred trust and passed it from generation to generation, noted Rector of Baku State University, academician Abel Maharramov.

Then, academician Akif Alizadeh, President of ANAS, spoke about the outstanding scientist's exceptional services in the development of Oriental Studies in Azerbaijan and the development of scientific cadres in this field. Vasim Mammadaliyev differs from other scientists with his universal outlook and multifaceted scientific and pedagogical activity. Academician Vasim Mammadaliyev's works on Arabic linguistics have been accepted at the level of scientific events in the former Soviet Union. Scientist's scientific searches are widely used in Arabic linguistics and general linguistics, Islamic studies, Arabic-Azerbaijani literary-cultural relations, A.Alizadeh lined out.

A.Alizadeh said that the translation of the Koran by late scholar Ziya Bunyadov and academician V.Mammadaliyev into Azerbaijan in 1991 was an important event in the scientific and cultural life of our country and the Islamic world as a whole.

Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, Professor Elkhan Azizov delivered a lecture on "The meaningful scientist's life" at the conference.

Director of the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature Rafael Huseynov, Deputy of Education Minister Firudin Gurbanov, Rector of Baku Engineering University, Professor Havar Mammadov, Rector of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Professor Jafar Jafarov, Rector of Sumgayit State University, Professor Elkhan Guseynov, MP Ziyad Samadzade, academician Teymur Bunyadov and others congratulated the scentist and wished him new creative successes.

Later, Abel Maharramov read a congratulatory letter from the rector of Baku branch of Moscow State University named after M. Lomonosov, academician Nargiz Pashayeva.

Finally, academician V.Mammadaliyev thanked the event organizers and participants.

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