Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


"Inclusive economic development of Azerbaijan - 2017" bulletin published
27.04.2018 11:30
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"Inclusive economic development of Azerbaijan - 2017" bulletin published

Bulletin "Inclusive Economic Development of Azerbaijan - 2017" co-authored by the leading researcher of the Department of Problems of Regional Development and Natural Resources of the ANAS Institute of Economy, PhD in Economy Mazaddin Eyyubov and Research Fellow of the Department Svetlana Najafli was published.

The scientific editor of the book, published by the publishing house "Science and Knowledge", is corresponding member of ANAS Akif Musaev.

The bulletin highlights the specifics of Azerbaijan's inclusive economic development in 2012-2016. - the level of economic growth in the country, the level of employment of the population, the place of income of the population and the distribution of income among the population groups, the general demographic burden of the population and the demographic burden of the employed population.

The obtained results can be used at the stage of economic development of the country, in the process of regulating the economic activity of the country, as well as in the economic recession.

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