Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Monograph titled “Saz Instruments Originating from the Qopuz” has been published
14.10.2024 13:02
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Monograph titled “Saz Instruments Originating from the Qopuz” has been published

The monograph titled “Saz Instruments Originating from the Qopuz” has been released, co-authored by Ilhama Gasabova, docent, PhD in philology and leading researcher at the Mythology Department of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS, and Mahmud Allahmanli, Doctor of philology and Professor at the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University.

This monograph aims to trace and clarify the rich cultural history of Turkic peoples through instruments such as the qopuz, tambur, choghur, saz, and others.

The book published by “Zardabi” Publishing House is prepared for publication in Turkish, Persian, and English languages.

The author of the idea and financial supporter of the book is Ali Polat, while the scientific editors are Prof. Dr. Jabbar Ishankul, Prof. Dr. Feyzan Goher Balchın, and Prof. Dr. Shakir Ibrayev.

Reyhan Majidli, Public Relations, Press and Information Department of the Presidium Administration of ANAS

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