Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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12.10.2018 15:15
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Signed an agreement on intentions between ANAS High Technology Park and Azerbaijan Technical University

Signed an agreement on intentions between ANAS High Technology Park and Azerbaijan Technical University

ANAS Central Scientific Library held a ceremony of signing an agreement on intentions between Azerbaijan Technical University (AzTU) and ANAS High Technology Park (HTP) on October 12.

Head of ANAS Center for Strategic Studies, Doctor of Political Sciences Fatali Abdullayev noted that, intent agreement will positively affect the activities of both organizations and will make a significant contribution to the training of highly qualified personnel: “High Technology Park successfully works on direction of expanding the areas of innovation and high technology based on modern scientific and technological achievements“.

According to Fatali Abdullayev, the Park represents the newest inventions of scientific control systems, mathematics and mechanics and other scientific ANAS institutions.

Acting rector of AzTU, Professor Khalig Yahudov highly appreciated the work done in the field of scientific research at ANAS, the integration of science and education.

He said that, the organization of the magistracy at Academy is one of the most important steps in this direction. He noted that, this will contribute to the joint development of science and education, the involvement of young people in science and industry.

Director of ANAS Institute of Control Systems, academician Telman Aliyev noted that, modern world science is developing rapidly, Azerbaijan has achieved great success in this area. Noting that, the commercialization of science is one of the requirements of the modern era, High Technology Park created great opportunities in the direction and implementation of innovative projects.

Then, Professor of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics Faig Nagiyev spoke. He noted that, scientific research is carried out in the Park, combining fundamental sciences, technology and production.

Vice-Rector for Science and Technology of AzTU, Professor Ilham Pirmammadov noted that, the expansion of cooperation between higher educational institutions and ANAS is a positive fact: "Cooperation with the High Technology Park will open wide opportunities for students, masters and doctoral students of AzTu"

In conclusion, Director of the HTP, Ph.D. in Economy Nazim Shukurov spoke about the activities of the organization.

He stressed that, the Park is involved in attracting investment and creating favorable conditions in this area. He noted that, it is planned to create a special platform based on scientific projects of scientists.

Then, was signed an agreement of intent on cooperation between the two institutions between two institutions.

The document reflects such issues as cooperation and mutual support in the application of innovations, defining and strategic planning of relevant research areas, implementing joint projects that meet the interests of national defense, establishing fruitful relations with relevant research institutes, organizing special trainings, etc. d.

The document was signed by Director of the HTP, Ph.D. in Economy N.Shukurov and the acting rector of AzTU, Professor H.Yahudov.

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