Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Imadaddin Nasimi:Both worlds can fit within me, but in this world I cannot fit I am the place less essence, but into existence I cannot fit
16.01.2019 09:20
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Imadaddin Nasimi:Both worlds can fit within me, but in this world I cannot fit I am the place less essence, but into existence I cannot fit

Great art coryphaeuses, such as Nizami Ganjavi, Afzaladdin Khagani, Mehseti Ganjavi, Imadaddin Nasimi, Shah Ismail Khatai, Muhammad Fuzuli, Saib Tabrizi and others, made a great contribution to the development of literary thought, breaking the borders of the East in the Middle Ages and becoming truly famous throughout the world ...

ANAS Vice-President, chairman of the committee of science and education of the Milli Majlis, academician Isa Habibbayli.

"Azerbaijan" newspaper, January 16, 2019

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