Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


16.01.2019 10:59
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Celebrated prominent ethnographer Gara Ahmedov’s 90th anniversary

Celebrated prominent ethnographer Gara Ahmedov’s  90th anniversary

Institute of Archeology and Ethnography organized an event dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the famous ethnographer, correspondent member of ANAS Gara Ahmedov.

The meeting was held at the Institute of Literature.

Opening the event, academician-secretary of the Department of Social Sciences of ANAS, academician Nargiz Akhundova said that the scientist conducted important research on the material cultural monuments of Azerbaijan in the Middle Ages. He noted that the first Azerbaijani scientist G.Ahmadov, who was named the Doctor of Historical Sciences in archeology, revealed extensive information about Azerbaijan and the region.

Academician N.Akhundova emphasized that the scientist has done important work in the development of archeology and ethnography in Azerbaijan, as well as in establishing scientific institutions in these areas.

Then Director of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, Doctor of History, Professor Maisa Rahimova talked about G.Ahmedov's life and scientific creativity. He also trained 7 PhDs and 3 doctors, the speaker underlined.

Director of National Museum of Azerbaijan History Naila Velikhanli, academician Teymur Bunyadov, heads of departments at the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography - Hidayat Jafarov, Asadulla Jafarov, Abbas Seyidov, Mikayil Mustafayev, doctor of historical sciences Gafar Jabiyev, doctor of historical sciences Jabi Bahramov and others talked about scientist’s study of the problem of medieval urban genesis of our country and the South Caucasus and shared memories about.

At the meeting, it was proposed to raise the issue of naming .GAhmedov to one of the streets in Gabala.

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