Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


17.01.2019 09:40
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Presentation of the book "The Gregorian Church as a spy tool against the Safavids state (the first quarter of the XVII-XVIII century)"

Presentation of the book "The Gregorian Church as a spy tool against the Safavids state (the first quarter of the XVII-XVIII century)"

Presentation of the book by the head of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev "The Gregorian Church as a spy tool against the Safavids (the first quarter of the XVII-XVIII century)" was organized by the Institute of Caucasian Studies of ANAS.

Ramiz Mehdiyev is the author of a number of outstanding research works, which reflects the socio-political activity of academician and the ideological foundations of the state of Azerbaijan and the book "Gregorian Church as a spy tool against the Safavid state (the first quarter of the XVII-XVIII century)" has great scientific significance in the field of history, international relations, conflictology and Caucasian studies, vice-president of ANAS, academician of ANAS Isa Habibbeyli.

The vice-president of ANAS underlined that the monograph is a reliable source for the emergence of a new series of research, reflecting all the new perspectives in our national history and public opinion. He said that academician Ramiz Mehdiyev's research on the Safavids and Nadir Shah was one of the most important achievements in the field of Azerbaijani history. The monograph "The Gregorian Church as a spy tool against the Safavid state (the first quarter of the XVII-XVIII century)" is also a logical continuation of these researches as well as a valuable resource for researchers and young researchers, he said.

Then Professor Musa Gasimli, Director of the Institute of Caucasian Studies, correspondent member of ANAS, delivered a report. He said that the book gives serious facts to understand the historical roots and true essence of the conflicts created by the Armenians in the Caucasus. One of the interesting issues is the proof of the treachery policy implemented by Armenians against the various states, from the sources of their sources and their works.

Head of the Department of History of ANAS, Doctor of Historical Sciences Shahin Farzalibeyli spoke about the role of academician Ramiz Mehdiyev in the development of Azerbaijan's history in the years of independence. He characterized academician Ramiz Mehdiyev as a historian who has the ability to investigate the urgent problems that need to be investigated and to be able to see it at a high scientific level.

Doctor of Historical Sciences Gasim Hajiyev, PhD in History Elnur Kalbizadeh and Dean of the History Department of Baku State University Azad Rzayev talked about the scientific potential of the book. It was noted that this book was not only published in the shortest period of time but also caused great interest of scientists in our republic. The book is a completely new look at Echmiadzin's role in the occupation of the ancient Azerbaijani lands for several centuries and the sources of territorial claims of Armenians.

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