Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


06.06.2014 00:00
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Scientific Secretary of the Department of Agrarian Sciences of ANAS took part at the International Conference, Russia

Scientific Secretary of the Department of Agrarian Sciences of ANAS took part at the International Conference, Russia

Scientific Secretary of the Department of Agrarian Sciences of ANAS, PhD in biology, professor Tubukhanum Gasimzada took part at the International Conference on theme “Problems of propaganda of soil science in XX century” in Sankt Petersburg, Russia from May 26 to 29.

The event was dedicated to 110th anniversary of Central Soil Museum named after V.V.Dokuchayev.

She delivered a lecture on the topic “Use of research data in Soil popularization”. T.Gasimzade also touched upon the problem of lack of Azerbaijani soil examples at the museum: “However, the museum has enough materials and soil samples of other neighboring countries”.

Taking into account all information, discussed the implementation of the joint work of sampling, preparation and proper motions in soil science.

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