Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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13.05.2019 12:36
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The 80th anniversary of prominent linguist Gara Mashadiyev is celebrated

The 80th anniversary of prominent linguist Gara Mashadiyev is celebrated

On May 13, the Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi of ANAS hosted a scientific conference dedicated to the 80th jubilee of the senior researcher of the modern Azerbaijani language department, a permanent member of Toponomy Commission of the Milli Mejlis, Doctor of Philology, Professor Gara Mashadiyev.

Firstly, the exhibition of books and monographs reflecting the scientific-pedagogical activity of Gara Mashadiyev have been demonstrated.

Academician Teymur Kerimli, academician-secretary of the Department of Humanitarian Sciences of ANAS, spoke about the glorious lifestyle of the outstanding scientist and his rich scientific heritage. He said that Gara Mashadiyev is one of the scientists selected by his intelligence enriches linguistic science and makes a valuable contribution to his country with his multifaceted and broad range of creativity.

Then, academician T. Kerimli presented the Honorary decree to the scientist.

Director of the Institute of Linguistics, academician Mohsun Nagisoylu said that Prof. Dr. Gara Meshadiyev, a prominent linguist, a well-known intellectual and a good man, has earned a special respect among the scientists with his intellectual level, thinking and character.

M.Nagisoylu noted that the prominent scientist participated in symposiums and conferences in many foreign countries, took part in scientific congresses and presented our science worthily.

Later Doctor in philology Baba Maharramli, Professor Ismayil Mammadli and PhDin philology Sevinj Aliyeva made reports.

Speaking at the conference, professors - Sayali Sadigova, Sevil Mehdiyeva, Ismayil Kazimov, PhD in philosophy Eynulla Madatli and others noted the rich scientific activity of the linguist and congratulated the scientist on the 80th anniversary.

Finally, Professor Gara Mashadiyev expressed his gratitude to the event organizers and participants.

A documentary film about a prominent scientist was also shown at the event.

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