Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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15.05.2019 15:13
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Institute Economy is a winner of "VI Football Championship of Young Scientists and Specialists of ANAS"

Institute Economy is a winner of "VI Football Championship of Young Scientists and Specialists of ANAS"

The final game and award ceremony of the "VI Football Championship of Young Scientists and Specialists of ANAS" dedicated to the 96th anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev organized by Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of ANAS and supported by the Office of Administration and Free Trade Union was held.

Teams of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics and Institute of Economy competed to determine the main winner of the championship. The team of the Institute of Economy won the championship with a score of 4-3.

After the race held at the Academy, the award ceremony was held. Vice-presidents of ANAS, academicians Ibrahim Guliyev, Dilgam Tagiyev, academician-secretary of ANAS, corresponding member of ANAS Aminaga Sadigov, chief of Administrative Office, professor Fatali Abdullayev, chairman of Free Trade Union, professor Habil Gurbanov attended the ceremony.

Academician Dilgam Tagiyev spoke about state care for the development of sports in Azerbaijan. He said that the championship dedicated to the 96th anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev has become traditional and has already been held for the sixth time.

Then, the chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists, PhD in Physics, Associate Professor Famin Salmanov spoke about the championship. He said that 16 teams from various institutes and organizations of the Academy participated in this championship and were managed by AFFA's professional judges.

Then the winners were rewarded.

The team of the Institute of Economy of ANAS, won the championship, was awarded gold medals, the second place took the Institute of Geology and Geophysics and bronze medals has been given to the team of Institute of Physics.

Members of the winning teams were also awarded diplomas and prizes.

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