Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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11.06.2019 12:42
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ANAS Nakhchivan Division presented a ten-volume “Javid Study”

ANAS Nakhchivan Division presented a ten-volume “Javid Study”

ANAS Nakhchivan Division held a presentation of the ten-volume “Javid Study”, reflecting a collection of articles about the life and activity of the great Azerbaijan poet and playwright Huseyn Javid.

The idea author of multi-volume is ANAS President, academician Akif Alizadeh, Scientific Advisor is Vice-President of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbayli, compiler - Director of Huseyn Javid’s House Museum, Doctor of Philology Babakhanlı Gulbeniz, Project Manager - Academic Secretary of the Division of Humanitarian Sciences, academician Karimli Teymur.

Speaking at the presentation ceremony, chairman of ANAS Nakhchivan Division, academician Ismail Hajiyev said that, the poet-playwright Huseyn Javid, a prominent representative of classical Azerbaijani literature grew up on the rich philosophical and poetic heritage of the East and successfully mastered the traditions of romanticism in literature, created brilliant pages in the literary artistic thought of the Azerbaijani people.

I.Hajiyev noted that, by the decree of the Supreme Majlis of the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan dated April 18, 2019 celebrated the 100th anniversary of Huseyn Javid - Ertogrul Javid and this great historical event and the presentation of the 10-volume “Javid Studies” was first held in Nakhchivan - the place where Huseyn Javid was born. The materials in the book will play the role of a valuable source for researchers studying the legacy by Javid.

Further, Vice-president of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbayli said that, the work by the outstanding playwright Huseyn Javid, who founded a drama in Azerbaijani literature was at the center of literary criticism and the press in the 1920s-1930s. The great writer, who was arrested in 1937, received a political justification in 1956.

Vice-president of ANAS called "Javid Study" as a scientific monument of the integrity and immortality of the art by Huseyn Javid.

Director of the Institute of Manuscripts, academician Teymur Karimli noted that, the new edition widely reflects the life of the great poet and philosopher and allows us to determine the literary and artistic place of his work in our history.

Then, Director of Huseyn Javid’s House Museum, Doctor of Philology Babakhanlı Gulbeniz said that, the museum is engaged in the propaganda, study and systematization of the thinker's creativity. Saying that the work on the following volumes is continuing, she added that from the point of view of rich scientific information, the publication is a valuable source for researchers.

Director of the Institute of Art, Language and Literature of the Nakhchivan Division, correspondent member of ANAS Abulfaz Guliyev, chairman of the Writers' Union of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Asim Yadigar, Director of the Huseyn Javid’s House Museum and and memorial complex Bahruz Akhundov told about the importance of scientific publishing.

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