Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Corresponding member of ANAS Baghir Suleymanov is 60
21.06.2019 09:28
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Corresponding member of ANAS Baghir Suleymanov is 60

Deputy Director of Oil and Gas Production at the Oil & Gas Research Institute of the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic, a prominent oil scientist, a laureate of the USSR inventor, corresponding member Baghir Suleymanov is a 60th on June 22.

Baghir Suleymanov was born on June 22, 1959 in Baku. In 1981 he graduated from the Oil and Chemistry Institute named after M. Azizbeyov (now Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University).

From 1981 to 1985 he worked as Operator at Oil and Gas Production Department, in 1985-1988 he worked as an assistant at the Department of Oil Field Development and Operations. 1988-2000 - leading and senior research worker at the Department of Nonlinear Mechanics of Oil and Gas of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS. In 2001-2009 he worked as deputy director and director of the SOCAR's Offshore Oil & Gas Institute. Since 2004 Deputy Chairman of the Commission for the efficient use of energy resources under the Cabinet of Ministers.

Since 2009 he has been Deputy Director of SOCAR Oil and Gas Research Institute.

Main scientific achievements: on the basis of physical and mathematical modeling of heterogeneous systems filtration in layered porous media new technologies on enhanced oil recovery, bottomhole zone treatment, water influx restriction in the development of oil fields was developed and successfully introduced; it was first observed and theoretically substantiated S-shaped filtration law, which takes place during the filtration of non-Newtonian systems in layered porous media; stationary and non-stationary flow of Newtonian and non-Newtonian gassed liquids in subcritical areas was comprehensively studied and it was shown that the flow rate increases dramatically (2-3 times); a new effect was discovered which occurs when flow non-Newtonian gassed liquids, consisting in a complete modification of the rheological curves, so initially dilatant fluids under certain conditions exhibits pseudoplastic properties, and vice versa; mechanism, the physical nature of the results is presented and a theory is developed based on the slip effect; a method for stages wise structuring is developed based on statistical modeling of oil field development, the calculation of recoverable reserves and peak production; new methods for analysis of oil field development were developed and implemented using fractal and multifractal dimensions; methods for selecting candidate wells for the implementation of various simulation methods were developed; as a result of modeling of technological processes in oil-producing wells, a new type of downhole equipment - submersible pumps, workover equipment, sand screens, etc., was developed and successfully implemented; a variety of chemicals for oil and gas industry was developed and successfully implemented (demulsifiers, depressants, surfactants, gels, foams, etc.).

B.Suleymanov is the author of 216 scientific works, including 72 author's certificates and patents, 1 monograph. Under his leadership, 16 philosophy, 1 doctors of sciences were trained.

Academician was awarded the "USSR inventor" badge (1985), Honorary decree of SOCAR (2004, 2009) for special services in the development of the oil and gas industry of the republic and "Academician Azad Mirzazhanzadeh of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences" (2018) the winner of the first republican competition in the field of inventions (2013). Since 2009 he is a member of the US Oil Engineers Society.

Congratulations to the outstanding scientist on the 60th anniversary and wish him robust health and new successes in scientific activity.

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