Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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09.07.2019 14:11
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Institute of Botany and Central Botanical Garden extend foreign relations

Institute of Botany and Central Botanical Garden extend foreign relations

Associate Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences at the University of Keele, England, Peter Thomas and staff of the Institute of Dendrology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Monica Dering and Dr. Grzegorz Iszkulo has been the guest of the Institute of Botany and Central Botanical Garden of ANAS.

Director of the Institute of Botany, academician Valida Alizadeh and acting director of the Central Botanical Garden, doctor in biology Vahid Farzaliyev discussed prospects of cooperation with the guests.

V. Alizadeh told the guests about the scientific directions of the Institute of Botany, international relations, joint projects and achievements. The guests got acquainted with the institute's Botanical Museum, Herbari Foundation and laboratories. They were informed about the activities carried out to include the herbarium samples of local and foreign flora stored in the Herbarium Foundation in the European Data Base and World Flora.

The guests appreciated the prospects of cooperation and noted that there are extensive opportunities for joint research in the field of gardening and reproduction, exchange of personnel and experience, joint projects and expeditions, exchange of seeds and herbicides.

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