Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


09.09.2019 09:42
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Publication of the Institute of Manuscripts deserved to “Grand Prix” in Russia

Publication of the Institute of Manuscripts deserved to “Grand Prix” in Russia

Opened 32nd Moscow International Fair in Moscow.

Azerbaijanis scientists were represented in 200 titles of books in an international event.

Within the competition organized by the fair, "Khosrov and Shirin" poem by Nizami Ganjavi, published by the Institute of Manuscripts named after Muhammed Fuzuli, has been deserved to award “Grand Prix”.

Note that, director of the Institute of Manuscripts, academic- secretary of the Division of Humanities of ANAS, academician Teymur Kerimli has written a wide “Preface” for a book, publishing by the “Sharg-Garb”. Illustrations of the book belongs to the Honored Artist, fellow of the institute - Fakhraddin Ali.

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