Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Corresponding member of ANAS Hajifakhraddin Safarli is 70
27.09.2019 12:16
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Corresponding member of ANAS Hajifakhraddin Safarli is 70

On September 29, a prominent historian, honored scientist, director of the Institute of History, Ethnography and Archeology of the Nakhchivan Division, corresponding member of ANAS, Hajifakhraddin Safarli, is 70 years old.

Hajifakhraddin Yahya oglu Safarli was born on September 29, 1949 in the village of Jahri of Babak district of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. In 1971 he graduated from the History Faculty of the Nakhchivan Division of the Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute. In 1971-1979 he worked as a history teacher at Jahri secondary school. Since November 1979, he has worked as a junior researcher, senior research officer and department head in the Department of Archeology and Ethnography at the Nahchivan Regional Science Center.

Safarli has been working at Nakhchivan State University (NSU) since 1995 as a teacher, five teachers, associate professor. In 2002-2007, he was chairman of the NCSU's Co-operation Committee. Since October 2007, he has been the Director of the Institute of History, Ethnography and Archeology of the Nakhchivan Division of ANAS. He was elected as a member of the Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan AR in 2010 and 2015 and chairman of the Committee on Legal Policy and State Building of the Supreme Assembly.

In 1987 he defended PhD thesis on "Arabian-Persian books of the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan as historical and cultural monuments (XVI-XIX centuries). In 2002 he became an assistant professor, in 2010 he became a professor and in 2014 he was elected a corresponding member of ANAS.

H. Safarli involved in research the systematic research of Muslim epigraphic monuments in Nakhchivan and studied them as the source of Azerbaijan's history and culture for the first time. As a result of the research, more than 600 epigraphic monuments were recorded, their epamps, photos, and sizes were read and translated into Azerbaijani.

He is the author of more than 600 scientific and scientific works, including more than 30 books, geography, textbooks, methodic aids, more than 300 scientific articles on epigraphic monuments of Nakhchivan and various problems of Azerbaijani history, as well as 2-volume "Nakhchivan Encyclopedia", "Nakhchivan Historical Atlas", 3-volume "Nakhchivan Historical Atlas". Under his guidance 4 PhDs were prepared.

According to the results of the research, H. Safarli was awarded the "Scientist of the Year" by the Scientific Council of Nakhchivan State University in 2006. He was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Presidium of ANAS (2009), the Gold Medal of Honor (2013), dedicated to the 90th anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev, and was also awarded the honorary title of Honored Scientist (2015).

Congratulations to a prominent historian on his 70th anniversary and wish him good health and success in his career!

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