Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


27.11.2019 17:31
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ANAS conference devoted to theoretical - methodological study of Molla Nasraddin's anecdotes

ANAS conference devoted to theoretical - methodological study of Molla Nasraddin's anecdotes

On November 27, Central Scientific Library of ANAS hosted for a republican scientific conference on "Molla Nasraddin's Anecdotes: Modern Scientific Approaches and Experience of National Folklore Studies", organized by the Institute of Folklore.

The book "Molla Nasraddin browsing the world" was presented as well.

Opening the conference, academic secretary of the Division of Humanities of ANAS academician Teymur Karimli said that Molla Nasraddin's anecdotes are differ of its laconicism and philosophical depth in folklore.

Then, director of the Folklore Institute academician Mukhtar Imanov spoke about the scientific and practical importance of the conference. He said that the modern theoretical-methodological aspect of Molla Nasraddin's anecdotes is one of the priority scientific directions of the institute.

At the conference, SOCAR Director General Ramin Isayev said that close cooperation was established between the organization and Institute of Folklore, which are reflected in specific scientific publications, books and articles. He noted that anecdotes of Molla Nasraddin in two volumes, a number of articles published in international scientific journals included in reputable bases, as well as portal are an obvious example of cooperation.

Later, a senior researcher of the Institute of Folklore, author of the book "Molla Nasraddin browsing the world" Gumru Shahriyar gave detailed information about the publication.

At the event, leading researcher of the Institute of Folklore, PhD in Philology Sarvan Khaveri delivered a lecture on topic “Molla Nasraddin anecdotes in the contex of socio-anthropological semantics of folk laughter”, PhD in Philology Safa Garayev on “Molla Nasraddin's image in the context of madness and parenting” etc.

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