President of ANAS academician Ramiz Mehdiyev introduced with the material-technical base of the Institute of Information Technology and innovative conditions created within the 5th republican conference "Actual multidisciplinary scientific-practical problems of information security".
Vice-president of ANAS director of the institute academician Rasim Alguliyev informed in detail that the organization headed by contains of Scientific Research, Teaching Innovation, E-Library, Multimedia, AzScienceNet Computer Network, as well as Internet Service Center, Network Security and AzScienceCERT network operations centers.
The scientist said that Big Data analytics, cyber security, software engineering, electronic science, information economy, social network analysis and other research were conducted in accordance with innovative requirements.
Rashid Alakbarov, deputy director of technology at the institute, who provides information about AzScienceNet computer network activities, said the network has great capacity for integration of science and education in the country. He said that in addition to the research institutions of ANAS, educational institutions of the country also use the services of the Institute's AzScienceNet network and Data Center.
Head of Training-Innovation Center of the Institute PhD in technical sciences Rasmiya Mahmudova informed about courses for graduates of ANAS in general subjects and taking exams, courses in various areas of information technology for employees of enterprises and organizations, including distant courses, workshops, and organization of conferences is avaiable here. She also spoke about the activities of the Distant Training Center and the Wiki Center, which operates under the center led by her.
President of ANAS academician Ramiz Mehdiyev also was acquainted with the activity of the Institute's Multimedia Center and Internet Cafe, equipped with the most modern technologies.
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