Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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28.01.2020 10:02
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ANAS graduates passed the next exam

ANAS graduates passed the next exam

The winter examination session of graduates studying in scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS continues.

So, first-year graduates of the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry in the specialty "Mathematical Modeling of Petrochemical Processes" passed the exam in the subject "Modeling and Optimization of Chemical Processes", and in the specialties "Chemistry of High Molecular Compounds" and "Chemistry of Composite Materials" in the subject "Polymer Nanogels". In addition, second-year graduates in the specialties “Physical Chemistry” and “Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis” passed the exam on the subject “Kinetics of Electrochemical Processes and Electrocatalysis”.

First-year graduates of the Institute of Control Systems in the specialties "Mathematics", "Informatics" and "Process Automation Engineering", as well as second-year graduates in the specialty "Computer Science" passed the winter examination session.

The examination session continues at the Institute of Genetic Resources.

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