Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Announced admission of article for a republican scientific conference dedicated to Abay Kunanbayev
29.01.2020 12:05
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Announced admission of article for a republican scientific conference dedicated to Abay Kunanbayev

Department of Literature of Turkic peoples of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS announced the admission of articles for the republican scientific conference "Friendship Bridge - Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan: Abay Kunanbayev-175", which will be held on April 22.

Those wishing to take part in the conference dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the outstanding Kazakh poet Abay Kunanbayev can send their articles by March 10 to hü 

Articles should cover the following areas:

- life and literary heritage of Abay Kunanbayev;

- lyrics of Abay Kunanbayev;

- poems by Abay Kunanbayev;

- verses by Abay Kunanbayev with public content;

- edifications of Abay Kunanbayev;

- language and style features of the work of Abay Kunanbayev.

Rules for writing an article:

- The article should be written in one of the working languages in the amount of 5-10 pages, font Times New Roman, size - 14, line spacing - 1.5, paragraph - 1 cm, page indents - 2 cm;

- At the beginning of the article, the name, patronymic, last name of the author are indicated in a dark font with a capital letter; further, the academic degree, position and organization to which it belongs should be indicated in italics;

- The content of the articles should be distinguished by scientific novelty and relevance;

- The list of references should be given at the end of the article under the heading “List of used literature” and in alphabetical order. References in the text should be indicated in parentheses with the number of the source in the list and the cited page. (5, p. 132) or [3, p. 76].

Summary and keywords:

- The resume should consist of at least five sentences, keywords must be at least 5 words;

- If the article is in Azerbaijani, then the summary should be in English, and if in Russian and English, then the summary should be in Azerbaijani.

The conference is open to anyone with a degree (Ph.D. or Doctor of Science), teachers, researchers, doctoral students, masters’ and students.

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