Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


31.01.2020 15:52
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Celebrated 70th anniversary of the academician Fuad Aliyev

Celebrated 70th anniversary of the academician Fuad Aliyev

70th anniversary of the outstanding scientist, Honored Scientist, Chairman of the Ganja Division of ANAS academician Fuad Aliyev has been held today in Ganja City Executive Power.

Representatives of the executive power of the region, heads of scientific-research institutes and higher educational institutions of the region, intelligentsia and the public figures attended the ceremony.

Opening the event, head of the Ganja Executive Power Niyazi Bayramov spoke about the 40-year-old scientific activity of the chemist. He said academician F. Aliyev devoted his life to the development of chemical science in Azerbaijan. Since 1983 he has been head of the Ganja Division of ANAS.

N. Bayramov noted that F.Aliyev, who always serves the state and statehood, is also actively involved in the socio-political and cultural life of the city. The scientist is engaged in social work as the Chairman of the Ganja Intelligence Society, Deputy Chairman of the NAP Ganja City Organization.

Later, Niyazi Bayramov presented the Honorary Decree of the Executive Power of Ganja to the outstanding scientist for his active participation in the public life of the region and his contribution to the development of science.

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