Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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14.11.2013 00:00
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Corresponding member of ANAS Teymur Karimli’s 60th jubilee celebrated

Corresponding member of ANAS Teymur Karimli’s 60th jubilee celebrated

By organization of the

Institute of Literature named after Nizami

, main building of ANAS held 60th anniversary of

Teymur Karimli

, well-known literary critic, publisher, scientist engaged in textual criticism, orientalist, poet and translator, a member of the Writers' Union, State Award Laureate of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Deputy Director of the Institute of Literature, corresponding member of ANAS, Dr. philology professor.

Exhibition organized by ANAS

Central Scientific Library

and reflecting T. Karimli’s life and activity was demonstrated.

Opening the event, vice-president of ANAS director of the Institute of Literature acad.

Isa Habibbayli

who made speech on rich scientific creativity, stated that, ANAS Presidium made a decision on awarding T. Karimli with Honor Order of ANAS for his services in the development of Azerbaijan science.

Prof. Vagif Arzumanli who reported with a lecture on “Teymur Karimli’s scientific and literary activity”, chief of

“Literature of foreign countries and literary relations"

department, Institute of Literature, highlighted Teymur Karimov as one of the representatives of Azerbaijani literature. After finishing secondary school with a golden medal, entered Baku State University faculty of philology. Gained Honors Diploma and worked as a teacher in Kelbejer region for two years. In 1983 defended candidature thesis on “Emotional perception of history in Nizami (“Seven Beauties” couplet). In 2004 defended doctoral thesis. Scientist who was elected corresponding member of ANAS in 2007 has been laureate of State Prize of the Republic of Azerbaijan for research of “Heydar Aliyev and classic literature”.

Dean of BSU faculty of Theology head of the Department of Arabic philology prof. 

Vasim Mammadaliyev

, secretary of the

Department of Humanitarian and Social Sciences

, corresponding member of the

Kamal Abdullayev, director of the Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after Nizami Gancavi

, corresponding member of ANAS

Rafael Huseynov

, MP, Doctor of philology Dzala Aliyeva, director of the

Institute of Folklore

, doctor of philology Mukhtar Imanov, secretary of Azerbaijan Writers' Union, PhD in philology Arif Amrahoglu congratulated the scientist on the occasion of 60th jubilee, highlighted him as a noble man possessing human qualities and shared memories about him.

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