Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


“Global and regional hydro political problems in the context of international cooperation and security” to be held
19.11.2014 00:00
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“Global and regional hydro political problems in the context of international cooperation and security” to be held

Hilton hotel will host for “Global and regional hydro political problems in the context of international cooperation and security” international scientific-practical conference co-organized by Center for Strategic Studies under the President of Azerbaijan Republic and ANAS Institute of Geography named after acad. Hasan Aliyev, November 25.

The goal is to eliminate the problem of global water shortage and finding solutions to the efficient use of water resources, management of water resources by means of integration, joint collaboration in usage and protection of transboundary water resources and water usage for political purposes.

Conference will bring together scientists-experts of the USA, Canada, UK, Turkey, Serbia, Egypt, Bosnia, Portugal, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and other countries.

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