Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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08.12.2014 00:00
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Ashug Aghamurad Shirvanli’s 50th anniversary celebrated

Ashug Aghamurad Shirvanli’s 50th anniversary celebrated

Shamakha region Cultural Center held event dedicated to 50th anniversary of outstanding representative of Azerbaijan Ashug art, Honored Cultural Figure, chairman of Shirvan Ashugs’ Union Aghamurad Shirvanlı.

Event that jointly organized by the Shamakha Executive Power, Azerbaijan Ashugs’ Union and Aran Regional Department of the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi was opened by department chief PhD in philology Yagut Bahadurgizi. She provided information about the creativity of Ashug Aghamurad Shirvanli who is successor of Gorgud legacy.

Deputy Head of Shamakha Executive Power Gulnise Alakbarova presented Honor Title of the organization to the ashug.

Reporting in the event MP Arastun Javadov, chairman of the Azerbaijan Ashugs’ Union, people poet Zalimkhan Yagub, acad. Vasim Mammadaliyev, professors Muharram Gasimli, Gazanfar Pashayev, Buludkhan Khalilov, Seyfaddin Ganiyev and PhD in philology Elkhan Mammadov spoke about Aghamurad Shirvanli’s personality and creativity.

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