Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Acad. Garib Mammadov’s “Model of agrarian reforms by Heydar Aliyev” book published
11.12.2014 00:00
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Acad. Garib Mammadov’s “Model of agrarian reforms by Heydar Aliyev” book published

In anticipation of commemoration of national leader Heydar Aliyev, Chairman of State Committee for Land and Cartography, academician-secretary of ANAS Department of Agrarian Sciences Garib Mammadov’s “Model of agrarian reforms by Heydar Aliyev” book was published. Scientific editor of the book is head of Department of Public and Political Issues of the Administration of President of Azerbaijan Republic, doctor of historical sciences, Professor Ali Hasanov. The book is devoted to the agricultural policy of architect of modern Azerbaijan, the guarantor of World Azerbaijanis Solidarity national leader Heydar Aliyev who came to political power 45 years ago, transformed Azerbaijan into a powerful country and has achieved eternal independence, and also achieved succeses as a result of programs and projects of state value realized successfully by continuing policy of the ingenious head - the President of the Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev. The book was published in the “Elm” publishing house and consists of three sections: “As a result of the important reforms which are carried out in the agrarian sphere in 1969-1982, Azerbaijan achieved complex development”, “The agrarian reforms which are carried out in 1993-2003 are entered in history as an agrarian policy of Heydar Aliyev” and " Besides promoting the social and economic development of regions, Heydar Aliyev ‘s reforms became incentive for a tradition celebration of the Leading Successor “

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