Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


04.12.2020 16:27
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Research has been conducted on the cultural and historical development of Eastern countries and their relations with Azerbaijan

Research has been conducted on the cultural and historical development of Eastern countries and their relations with Azerbaijan

On December 4, a report meeting was held on the results of scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the Institute of Oriental Studies of ANAS named after academician Z.Bunyadov in 2020.

First, the memory of the martyrs of the Great Patriotic War was commemorated with a minute of silence.

At the event, the director of the enterprise, academician Govhar Bakhshaliyeva presented a report reflecting the activities of the institution in 2020. She noted that the Institute of Oriental Studies was based on decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, decisions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as state programs, as well as decisions of the Presidium of ANAS.

During the reporting year, more than 150 articles, reports and theses of employees were published. Of these, 51 scientific articles were published abroad (Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Georgia, South Korea, Switzerland, Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Japan, Romania, etc.). The number of articles published in the impact factor "Web of Science" and "Scopus" databases is 2, and the number of articles, theses and reports published and placed in high-ranking publications and internationally indexed databases is 11. The works of the organization's employees were cited 409 times.

During the reporting year, representatives of the Institute of Oriental Studies spoke at 78 conferences (42 local, 36 foreign).

Academician Govhar Bakhshaliyeva also informed about the meetings with ambassadors of foreign countries, scientists and government officials, conferences, seminars and events, staff training and other issues.

At the end of the meeting, Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Department of Social Sciences of ANAS, Academician Nargiz Akhundova said the speech.

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