Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Preparation for international conference on Mugham study
07.01.2015 00:00
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Preparation for international conference on Mugham study

Preparation fulfillments for international conference on Mugham study were discussed at the Presidium of ANAS. Paintings of Azerbaijan mughams by researcher of the Institute of Manuscripts artist Fakhraddin Ali have been demonstrated.

ANAS president acad. Akif Alizadeh highly appreciated 80 of paintings drawn for Azerbaijan mughams and stated that these works should be published as a book form.

Vice-president of ANAS acad. Isa Habibbayli provided information on the preparation fulfillments for international mugham festival to be held in academy. Cultural events are given preference, including great efforts are made to the development and promotion of mugham at the international level, he noted.

Academician Isa Habibbayli stressed out that, book-album composed of paper bulk and paintings entitled “Azerbaijan mugham study” will contribute for the work of international mugham festival and scientific conference to be held in Azerbaijan in March of this year.

Providing information about preparation state of paper bulk intended to publish over the issues of mugham study, chief of Mugham study department of the Institute of Architectre and Art doctor of arts Sevil Farhadova brought to mind that, bulk will be submitted to the managmanet board recently.

At the end of event acad. Isa Habibbayli drew attention to the tasks set before Working group linked with conference.

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