Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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23.02.2024 10:50
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The meeting of the Presidium of ANAS was held

The meeting of the Presidium of ANAS was held

The next meeting of the Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences was held. The president of the ANAS, academician Isa Habibbayli, members of the Presidium, head of the departments of the Presidium and relevant persons participated at the meeting. Academician Isa Habibbayli opened the meeting with an introductory speech and informed about the agenda of the event.

First, the Honorary Decree of ANAS was presented to the Vali Huseynov, corresponding member  of ANAS.

The first issue discussed at the meeting was “Speech by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, at the inaguration ceremony and the challenges facing science.”

Talking  on the subject, Academician Isa Habibbayli said that in the extraordinary presidential elections held on February 7, Muzaffar Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev was re-elected as the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan as a result of the great trust, confidence and love of the Azerbaijani people for their leader. The Head of the National Academy of Sciences  noted that the Head of State delivered a profound speech at the inaguration ceremony on February 14, which included the main priorities of the country's socio-economic, cultural and moral development strategy, and this, and this speech is an excellent guide for the future activities of Azerbaijani science, scientists and intellectuals.

Isa Habibbayli mentioned that, President Ilham Aliyev spoke about the state policy implemented for the comprehensive development of Azerbaijan, its results and important achievements in his speech, the head of state also valued the complete restoration of our territorial integrity and sovereignty as a result of the 44-day Patriotic War and anti-terrorist measures as an important achievement. in the new conditions, he spoke extensively about the tasks ahead and said that he defined a number of important goals

He said that our scientists have a great responsibility in carrying out the duties mentioned by President Ilham Aliyev in his speech, such as education of young people in the spirit of national and moral values and in the spirit of patriotism, adherence to the ideology of Azerbaijanism and the principles of Azerbaijanism, protection and strengthening of our national unity and solidarity.

Academician Isa Habibbayli also noted  that one of the important points raised in the speech of the Head of State, related to technological development, and stressed the importance of the Academy’s contribution to digitalization, cybersecurity, as well as increased research on artificial intelligence and training.

Academician Isa Habibbayli said that as one of the important tasks set by President Ilham Aliyev is related to the strengthening of relations with the Turkish world, ad also mentioned  that, ANAS closely cooperates with the academic institutions and higher education institutions of the Turkish states, joint projects and events are implemented, and extensive steps have been taken in this direction.

Taking into account that  was noted at the meeting, as well as the need to form the intellectual potential of Azerbaijan in accordance with the scientific and technological innovations of the globalized world and the strategic development goals of the country, a number of decisions were made.

Thus, the priorities of research conducted in ANAS are the implementation of the «Concept of Strong Azerbaijan», as well as the implementation of measures to identify important ideological, socio-economic, cultural and spiritual problems of the republic, study of scientific-theoretical bases of ideology of Azerbaijanism  and the concept of multiculturalism, as well as further expansion of research in the field of social and human sciences related to identification of its fundamental directions, research and promotion of the history of Azerbaijan, its rich culture, national and spiritual values, literary and historical personalities, to educate the young generation in the spirit of national and moral values and in the spirit of patriotism, accounting, technological development, digitalization, cybersecurity, application of artificial intelligence, etc. further strengthening of scientific research in such areas, and other decisions was made.

Then, the "Action plan of ANAS regarding the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev "On the celebration of the 530th anniversary of the great Azerbaijani poet Muhammad Fuzuli" dated January 25, 2024" was discussed and approved.

According to the Acrion plan of ANAS, "Mahammad Fuzuli and the Turkic world", "Mahammad Fuzuli and world literature", "Mahammad Fuzuli peak of Eastern poetry", "Mahammad Fuzuli's language", "Mahammad Fuzuli: predecessors and successors - Medieval manuscripts and Azerbaijan historical problems of culture", "Fuzuli and Eastern folklore", "Fuzuli world in Azerbaijani art", "Genius Azerbaijani poet Muhammad Fuzuli: his era and environment", "Great Azerbaijani poet Muhammad Fuzuli as a genius of Turkish-Muslim culture", "Mohammed Fuzuli's legacy" and modernity in the philosophical context", "Issues of peace and coexistence in the works of Muhammad Fuzuli", etc. was decided to hold conferences and round tables.

In order to ensure the participation of TUBITAK President Professor Hasan Mandal at the opening of TUBITAK Coordination Center and at  the General Assembly of ANAS, a decision was made to organize his visit to our country at a high level.

There were also discussions on preparation for publication of the book ««National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. Faces» at the session. Academician Isa Habibbayli noted that since its establishment the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan has become the center of fundamental and applied science in the republic, played an important role in the formation of scientific and intellectual potential as a national asset, in the economic, economic- social and cultural development of our country, as well as in the training of highly qualified personnel in various fields of science. He noted that the publication of the above-mentioned book is important for wide coverage of the activities of the National Academy of Sciences, recognition of outstanding scientists who have rendered invaluable services in the creation and development of this prestigious scientific center, and at the same time to popularize science and increase interest in science in society.

Taking into account that was mentioned by the Presidium, It was decided to prepare the book "Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. Faces"and the Editorial Board was formed.

At the same time, the issue of rewarding ANAS staff for publishing articles published in high-impact journals was also discussed. Academician Isa Habibbayli noted that one of the important indicators of assessment of scientific activities in the modern world today is the publication of articles in journals indexed in prestigious international scientific databases (Web of Science and Scopus).

The President of ANAS stressed that one of the important directions put in the focus of the reforms and innovations implemented at the Academy in recent years is the strengthening of international scientific ties in the field of humanities and social sciences, Membership in recognized international scientific institutions and societies, better integration with electronic scientific resources and databases, scientific journals, adaptation to modern requirements and standards, DOI identifier (digital object identifier) ANAS publications (journals, conference materials, etc.). ), the inclusion of periodic scientific journals of NASA in the prestigious international scientific electronic registers of databases. He noted that in this direction the scientific journals of NASA are included in the Journal Park TÜBİTAK ULAKBIM, and the activities of NASA employees are integrated into scientific indexing and generalizing databases such as Google Scholar,, ORCID, RerchGate, etc. Important steps have been taken to create profiles in databases etc. .

In order to promote the publications of scientists and specialists working at ANAS, in scientific journals indexed in authoritative scientific databases, to support the strengthening of social protection of scientists and to ensure the continuous development of our science, the Presidium of ANAS decided: to reward ANAS employees for publishing articles published in journals with high impact factor.

At the meeting, the Regulations of the Board of Directors  and the Department of Foreign  Relations and Cooperation with International Scientific Organizations of the Presidium of ANAS also were approved, decisions were taken on approval of «Collection of reports for 2023 of institutions of science and higher educational institutions subordinated and covered by ANAS», samples of award documents such as «Decree of Honour», «Honorary Diploma», «Diploma of the Young Scientist of the Year» and «Record honorary diploma».

Later, the acting first vice-president of ANAS, Academician-Secretary Academician Arif Hashimov informed about the process of liquidation of a number of enterprises of ANAS with the decisions of the General meeting of ANAS dated November 29, 2023.

Later, personnel issues were discussed at the meeting. Decisions have been made on approving to the post , Karim Shukurov, doctor on historical sciences as a director of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Abbasgulu Agha Bakikhanov of ANAS, Farhad Guliyev, PhD in history as a director of the Institute of Archeology and Anthropology of ANAS, Mehman Hasanli, PhD in philology as a deputy  director for Scientific Affairs of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS ,Baba Maharramlin, PhD in philology as a deputy director for Scientific Affairs of the  Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi  of ANAS, Afag Ramazanova, PhD in philology, as a deputy director for Scientific Affairs of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS, Eynulla Madatli, doctor on historical sciences ,  as a deputy director for Scientific Affairs of the Institute of  Philosophy and Sociology of ANAS, Ruhangiz Jumshudlu, PhD in philology, as a deputy director for Scientific Affairs of the Institute of Oriental Studies named after Academician Ziya Bunyadov of ANAS, Ramila Dadashova, doctor on Political Sciences as a Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs of the Institute of Caucasian Studies of ANAS, Rauf Muradov, PhD in technics as a deputy director for scientific affairs of the Republican Seismological Service Center under ANAS.

In addition, based on her statement, Gunel Valieva, a second-year full-time PhD student at the Institute of Archeology and Anthropology of ANAS, was transferred from full-time to part-time study.

Decisions were also made on the 110th anniversary of academician Soltan Mehdiyev, 100th anniversary of academician Maharram Mammadyarov, 90th anniversary of academician Bahadur Taghiyev, and 110th anniversary of Yusif Amanzade, corresponding member of ANAS.

Academicians Arif Hashimov, Dilgam Taghiyev, Rasim Aliguliyev, correspondent member of ANAS Gurban Yetirmishli and others spoke about the issues mentioned in the meeting and expresed their opinions and suggestions at the meeting.

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