Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Flying taxis will launch in Singapore and Paris by 2024
01.04.2021 15:14
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Flying taxis will launch in Singapore and Paris by 2024

German carmaker "eVTOL" Volocopter has presented a roadmap for the development of urban air taxi service for the next few years. Preference will be given to short-distance passenger transport, although "Volocopter" will also support the second scenario for the introduction of "eVTOL" devices (cargo transportation for logistics organizations). The German company forecasts that by 2035 the global urban air mobility (UAM) market will reach $ 284 billion, of which about 60% will be passenger and 40% cargo.

According to Volocopter CEO Florian Reuters, the company's "eVTOL" devices are almost ready for mass production, but regulatory agencies and poorly developed infrastructure prevent them from being fully operational. The company names New York, Paris, London, Tokyo, Shanghai, Beijing and other megacities among the most promising cities. Initially, such services will be used by affluent customers, but in the future the cost of using the air taxi service will decrease.


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