Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Azerbaijani scholar attended the VIII Forum of CIS countries’ scholars
29.09.2013 00:00
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Azerbaijani scholar attended the VIII Forum of CIS countries’ scholars

On September 23-26 2013, Minsk city (Belarus) hosted for VIII Forum of CIS countries’ scholars on topic “Ecological culture and protection of environment - 2013”. Our country has been represented by delegation contained from several ministries and governmental bodies in the event. 

Within the frame of forum, deputy director on academic issues of ANAS Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law PhD in philosophy docent Roida Rzayeva delivered a lecture on “Post soviet arena: common tendencies as platform for realization and development of intercultural dialogue and humanitarian cooperation of the CIS countries” in the “Intercultural dialogue and humanitarian cooperation of the CIS countries: historical experience, integration ways” section that held at the Presidium of Belarusian Academy of Sciences.

Wide view of exchange was held over the topic.

Note that, R. Rzayeva is a laureate of “Debut union” international contest over nomination “Humanitarian and social sciences” held in 2010 within the frame of “V Forum of creative and scientific intelligentsia of the CIS countries”.

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