Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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The meeting on the project to be implemented in the High Technology Park of ANAS in cooperation with STEPI was widely covered in the Korean press
08.04.2022 10:58
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The meeting on the project to be implemented in the High Technology Park of ANAS in cooperation with STEPI was widely covered in the Korean press

The meeting held on March 29 at the High Technology Park (HT Park) of ANAS on the project "Operation program of the High Technology Park of ANAS in Azerbaijan: application and capacity building" was widely covered in the Korean press.

According to the Korean media, STEPI (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Policy) and YT Park are working together to strengthen the operational capacity and competitiveness of the technopark through key training programs, support the formation and development of an innovative economic ecosystem in the country, as well as operational experience.  It was noted that the increase is planned.

The seminar, which was attended by about 40 Korean-Azerbaijani technological innovation experts and stakeholders, began with an opening speech by STEPI President, Professor Mi Ok Moon.  Professor Mi Ok Moon said that the project is of great importance in terms of technology commercialization in YT Park, emphasizing that the program will make an important contribution to Azerbaijan's science, technology and innovation policy.

It was also noted that the seminar included "Overview of the K-Innovation project for 2022-2024", "Achievements and implications of cooperation between ANAS YT Park and STEPI", "The state of technology commercialization in Azerbaijan", "The role and management of technology commercialization",  Reports on "Technology commercialization programs in universities and research institutes", as well as "Technology commercialization programs in Korean universities and research institutes" were heard.

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