Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Division of Chemical Sciences reports on its activity in 2021
27.04.2022 12:15
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Division of Chemical Sciences reports on its activity in 2021

On April 27, at the general meeting of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, a report on the scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the Division of Chemical Sciences (DCS) for 2021 was heard.

Presenting the report, vice-president of ANAS, chairman of the Scientific Council of the division, academician Dilgam Tagiyev noted that last year the “Action plan to ensure the efficient use of water resources for 2020-2022”, the relevant instructions arising from the “Action plan of the state program for the restoration and sustainable development of the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan” and “Action plan on the tasks of ANAS in connection with research work on the liberated territories of Azerbaijan”, approved by the resolution of the Presidium of ANAS dated January 12, 2021.

Academician brought to the attention that in 2021, the institutes of the division carried out 12 research on 42 topics and 118 cases covering 18 problems and achieved important scientific results.

He stressed that in the reporting year, the advantages of modified natural alumosilicate catalyst for hydrocracking of vacuum gasoil were demonstrated, new expressions and filtration equations were obtained for the assessment of hydraulic diffusion coefficients of non-newtonian oils in porous environments in the field of chemical engineering, new organic compounds were synthesized, as well as cyclopropane-containing polymers with high lithographic characteristics, photo-sensitivity, optical transparency have been synthesized.

Noting that in 2021 4 new results were obtained, 8 works were continued for implementation by the division institutes, the speaker said that “Karabakh-4” plant height stimulator, “Baku Steel Company” CJSC has introduced a new composition of white beet, organic-mineral fertilizer prepared on the basis of local raw materials in order to increase the continuity of the working part of the shafts, 500 tons of products, including 240 tons of plastic lubricants, as well 1700 tons of “Kaspi” and “Kaspi X” demulgator, Baku author, “AzofosK” fertilizer, “V-2” admixture, 3000 tons of depressants were produced and given to customers at “Ashgar” Scientific-production association, he said.

In 2021, 22 monographs, books and textbooks (2 abroad), 841 articles and theses (474 abroad) were published, 259 articles were published in journals indexed in “Web of Science” databases, including 65 articles in journals included in the most influential Q1-Q4 groups of “Clarivate Analytics” database. He also noted that 40 patents (2 of which are foreign) were received and 32 claim documents were submitted to the Intellectual Property Agency of AR.

In addition, he presented information on staff training, grants, international relations, magazines published in the section, logistics and financing to the participants of the General meeting.

Academic Dilgam Tagiyev also voiced a number of proposals. He said that the status of ANAS should be increased as a higher state institution implementing the state science policy. According to him, the Supreme Council of Science, which has a real effect and financial capacity and is advisable to establish directly under the head of state, can provide management, control and targeted financial support for reforms.

“The attitude to science should be as pragmatic as in developed countries. In order for science to generate income, it must be invested in it through state orders, symbiosis of science and production and special funds. Laboratory results do not automatically translate into revolutionary technologies. The private sector and business are not interested in financing and applying scientific results, although their share is more than 80 percent of GDP. There is a need to establish a research fellowship program at ANAS to create incentives for young and promising PhDs in modern areas. Awarding of the degree of Doctor of Sciences without passing the defense procedure (especially in the field of natural sciences and technology) for the merits of articles and works in prestigious journals increases the enthusiasm and interest of young doctors of philosophy in the continuation of their research. It will help to increase the number of young scientific personnel by increasing labor pensions of employees of ANAS and applying the optimal age limit”, - academician Dilgam Tagiyev brought to the attention.

At the end of his speech, the speaker said that science is a special form of human activity and therefore, the attitude to science and scientists should be special.

After listening to the report, speeches were made around the report, corresponding instructions were given to scientific institutions and organizations of the division by the decision of the general meeting of ANAS.

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