Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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A report on the activities of the Division of Earth Sciences in 2021 was heard
27.04.2022 12:45
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A report on the activities of the Division of Earth Sciences in 2021 was heard

On April 27, at the General meeting of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, a report on scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the Division of Earth Sciences for 2021 was heard.

Presenting the report, Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Division, academician Fakhraddin Gadirov noted that approved last year by decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan “State Program for the development of remote sensing services by satellite in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2019-2022”, “State Program for the geological study of the Earth's interior and the rational use of mineral resources on 2020-2024”, based on the implementation of measures, studies have been carried out and a number of important results have been obtained as provided for in the ”Action plan to ensure the efficient use of water resources for 2020-2022” and the “ANAS development program for 2020-2025”.

The speaker noted that in 2021, the section covered 14 problems, 48 topics, 53 scientific-research works, 21 stages, 8 topics, 14 works and 21 stages were completed.

According to academician Fakhraddin Gadirov, 12 important results were obtained in scientific institutions of the Division of Earth Sciences and 1 important results in scientific research, educational and field institutions that are not included in the division. It is commendable that as a result of these studies, ANAS has reached the 24th place among the 5th Eastern European countries in the field of geophysics.

Speaking about scientific indicators, the academician stressed that in the reporting year 9 books, 10 monographs and 23 textbooks, as well as 217 articles (75 abroad), 100 theses (32 abroad) were published.  Of the 75 articles published in the section, 46 of them have been published in impact factor journals included in the database of “Web of Science”.

Speaking about the measures carried out according to local and international grants, academician Fakhraddin Gadirov spoke in detail about the work done with the financial support of the Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, SOCAR Science Fund, National Research Council of Italy, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Ukrainian Science and Technology Center and other institutions.

The speaker noted the effective use of water resources of Karabakh and Zangazur economic regions, the capture and use of carbon dioxide in Azerbaijan, as well as the impact of global climate changes on the environment, etc. he brought to the attention that studies are being carried out in the directions.

Then, academician Fakhraddin Gadirov touched upon the priorities of scientific-research work carried out on DES. He said that the enterprises included in the division are increasing the country's defense power, fundamental problems of oil and gas geology and geochemistry, development of oil and gas fields, mud volcanism, geophysical fields and nature of the Earth, modern geoynamics and seismology, analysis of ore and non-ore mineral deposits by new innovative methods, alternative energy sources, complex research of the Caspian, the study of oykonim, oronim and hydronyms, the study of water balance and water resources, demography and other important areas are carried out. He also noted that important work was carried out in the social direction, meetings were held with veterans and participants of the 44-day Patriotic War, assistance was provided and steps were taken to provide them with jobs.

Then, the speaker spoke about the state of e-science, updating the material and technical base of science and improving the information provision system, scientific research expeditions, integration of science and education, international relations and laboratories, conferences, seminars and anniversaries, awards and staff training. The academician noted the need for widespread use of unmanned aerial vehicles and space data equipped with geophysical devices that allow conducting modern research for integration into world science.

After listening to the report, speeches were made around the report, corresponding instructions were given to scientific institutions and organizations of the division by the decision of the General meeting of ANAS.

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