Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Division of Social Sciences reports on its activities in 2021
27.04.2022 13:54
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Division of Social Sciences reports on its activities in 2021

On April 27, at the General Meeting of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, a report on the scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the Division of Social Sciences for 2021 was heard.

Presenting the report, the Acting vice-president of ANAS, chairman of the Scientific Council of the division, academician Govhar Bakhshaliyeva noted that President Ilham Aliyev's decrees “On declaring 2021 the Year of Nizami Ganjavi in the Republic of Azerbaijan", ”On the establishment of Victory Day in the Republic of Azerbaijan", “On the establishment of Memorial Day” were signed at the enterprises of the division, “On the declaration of the city of Shusha as the cultural capital of Azerbaijan”, as well as “On the approval of “Azerbaijan 2030: National Priorities for Socio-Economic Development” and other orders, she noted that measures are being implemented resulting from the implementation of State programs, as well as resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, including decisions of the Presidium of ANAS.

The scientist noted that in 2021, the research institutions of the division are carrying out significant work to expand international scientific ties, coordinate research activities, strengthen national statehood, increase the international authority of our country and other areas, important steps are being taken for the development of science.

Academician stressed that, last year the division studied, restored and protected general, political and socio-economic history of Azerbaijan, underground and surface historical monuments, cities, settlements and archaeological excavations in various types of grave monuments, studied and analyzed the regularities and features of the historical, socio-political, economic and cultural development of Asian countries, philosophical issues of various fields, sociological and research works on philosophical analysis of the development of gender relations in Azerbaijan were carried out.

In addition, the study of the problems of socio-economic, macroeconomic and regional development of the formation of an independent national economy of Azerbaijan, the analysis of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, as well as international and national historical experience in this field and the study of artificial intelligence problems, the analysis of political problems occurring in the Caucasus, the study of the problems of national ideology in the modern period, demonstration at expositions and exhibitions, propaganda of material values reflecting the history of the Azerbaijani people and State attributes, important work has been carried out in the field of numismatics, epigraphy.

She noted that in the reporting year, scientific research was carried out in 9 directions in 37 problems on 112 topics, 361 works, 174 stages, of which 52 topics, 292 works, 172 stages were completed during the year. In addition, 21 important results were achieved in the scientific research institutions of the division and 19 in external organizations.

Speaking about scientific indicators, the reporter said that 2279 works were published by the division staff, 67 of them were books (8 abroad), 83 monographs (9 abroad), 1746 were articles (341 abroad, 55 in “Web of Science”, “Scopus” databases), 383 theses (137 abroad), 6 were textbooks, training manuals and methodological manuals. She also said that 2384 references were made to the works of the employees of the division.

Then academician Govhar Bakhshalieva studied history, archeology, economics, culture and etc. of Karabakh and Zangezur, she brought to the attention of the participants of the General meeting information about the ongoing and planned research, the international relations of the DSS, the state of electronic science, the interaction of fundamental science and education, awards and decorations.

Touching upon strategic issues for the improvement and development of the activities of ANAS, the academician voiced a number of proposals. In order to improve the business environment in the country and to ensure scientific competitiveness, to strengthen the work of training highly qualified personnel in scientific and higher educational institutions of developed countries, to conduct research in historical, cultural, as well as archaeological monuments of the period of Caucasian Albania located in the liberated territories, to increase the attention to organization of archaeological expeditions and ethnographic researches in Shusha city and its surroundings within the framework of the “Year of Shusha”, to increase the attention to organization of archaeological expeditions to preparation of collective monograph on “Prominent persons of Shusha” and other important issues were reflected on the basis of archival documents and other sources.

After listening to the report, speeches were made around the report, corresponding instructions were given to scientific institutions and organizations of the division by the decision of the General meeting of ANAS.

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