Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Academician Vagif Abbasov: “Technofest Azerbaijan” opens up great opportunities for the wide promotion of our science”
23.05.2022 18:31
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Academician Vagif Abbasov: “Technofest Azerbaijan” opens up great opportunities for the wide promotion of our science”

The Institute of Petrochemical Processes of ANAS and the resident of the Academy's Hi-Tech Park, INCOR Limited Liability Company (LLC) plan to represent Azerbaijani science at a high level at the exhibition, which will be held as part of the “Technofest Azerbaijan” Aviation, Space and Technology Festival.

Having informed about this, the general director of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes (IPP) of ANAS, academician Vagif Abbasov spoke about the importance of holding the “Technofest Azerbaijan” festival in our country.

Noting that the relations of friendship at the level of brotherhood between Azerbaijan and Turkey are currently developing in an ascending line, academician Vagif Abbasov stressed that the phrase “One nation, two states” said by national leader Heydar Aliyev in connection with these relations between the two countries is quite justified today.

“The fact that the presidents of both states are expected to participate in “Technofest Azerbaijan” is an important indicator of the importance of this event,” the scientist said, noting that the festival demonstrates the unity of Azerbaijan and Turkey in the economic, military and cultural spheres, as well as in the field of science and technology. “This brotherhood is of great benefit for both countries, as well as for the whole world. I believe that this is an authoritative event, a timely organized festival and here we must present our science at a high level.”

He regarded the allocation of a special pavilion at the exhibition, covering a large area for ANAS, as a welcome event. The academician added that this pavilion opens up great opportunities for demonstrating the highest scientific achievements achieved in scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS and for the wide promotion of our science.

Academician Vagif Abbasov informed about the products that will be presented at the exhibition by INKOR LLC, created in IPP and manufacturing products jointly with this organization.

The scientist noted that from 1993 to the present day, INCOR LLC, together with IPP, engaged in the production of a large number of reagents, produced 5 reagents for the Heydar Aliyev oil refinery, in connection with which the dependence of the plant on external factors was completely eliminated.

He noted that a special admixture, which will be presented by INCOR LLC and IPP at the “Technofest Azerbaijan” festival, was created in 2015 for use in major repairs and road construction and is still widely used in the construction of major roads.

The academician also stressed that the exhibition will show videos related to cold tests and field tests of a special chemical reagent designed to extinguish fires and capable of working in rivers, lakes and sea waters.

According to Vagif Abbasov, a technology has been developed for the production of several medicines based on Naphthalan oil, which is a joint project of IPP and INCOR LLC and using oils of medicinal plants of our country, technical specifications have been approved and preparatory work is currently underway for pilot production. He said that a demonstration of these products is also planned at the exhibition.

He also noted that the exhibition organized as part of the festival will feature samples of 11 types of deodorants that do not contain components that can cause cancer. The scientist added that IPP and INCOR LLC, within the framework of a joint project, organized the production of three-component fertilizers that differ sharply from analogues. This fertilizer allows you to ensure crop yields, increase feed stocks on pastures.

Academician Vagif Abbasov also spoke about the growth stimulators of other plants, which are joint projects of the two structures and intended for demonstration at the exhibition, the conditional names of which are defined as “Karabakh – 1”, “Karabakh – 2”, “Karabakh – 3” and “Karabakh – 4”. He noted that growth stimulators ensure the rapid cultivation of ornamental and fruit trees, the rapid restoration of destroyed forests and also improve the quality of grain crops, cotton, etc. dramatically increases its productivity.

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