Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Academician Rasim Alguliev: “ANAS was represented at the TEKNOFEST Azerbaijan Festival at a high level”
04.06.2022 14:29
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Academician Rasim Alguliev: “ANAS was represented at the TEKNOFEST Azerbaijan Festival at a high level”

Vice-president of ANAS, chairman of the Working Group for the participation of the Academy in the “TEKNOFEST Azerbaijan” festival, academician Rasim Alguliyev made a report at a special meeting of the Presidium of ANAS dedicated to the results of the participation of the Academy in the “TEKNOFEST Azerbaijan” festival.

Academician noted that this festival was held in Turkey for the first time in 2018 and Azerbaijan joined this prestigious event since 2021. Touching upon the importance of organizing the festival outside Turkey, for the first time in Azerbaijan, R. Alguliev noted that the event is dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The vice-president emphasized the political and moral support of brotherly Turkey to our country in the liberation of the occupied lands of the independent Azerbaijani state over the past 30 years and achievements of Victorious Azerbaijani Army under the leadership of Supreme Commander-in-chief Ilham Aliyev.

According to R.Alguliyev, the main goals of the IV Festival, which is responsible for the industrial revolution and global technological challenges, were the popularization of science and technology, the wide promotion in Azerbaijan of such areas as aerospace technologies, defense industry and innovative entrepreneurship, support for talented youth with digital knowledge and skills, innovative thinking, strengthening the country's human resources potential and the creation of fundamentals for the development of national technological solutions.

“TECHNOFEST Azerbaijan” festival, science, technology, economy, politics, ideology, culture, etc. noting that it is a unique platform connecting areas, ANAS participated in the festival with a special pavilion in the status of a partner state institution. He brought to the attention that, under the leadership and support of the acting president of ANAS, academician Arif Hashimov, the Working Group on the participation of ANAS in the festival was organized, in a short time the participation of Academy institutes in the festival was ensured, administrative, financial and other resources were involved in this process, as well as all organizational issues.

Noting that ANAS is represented at the festival, the reporter noted that innovative technologies, products and projects that are the result of scientific research carried out in scientific institutions and High Technologies Park of ANAS were demonstrated in the pavilion allocated for the Academy. Academician noted that, great interest was shown to the pavilion of ANAS by the Organizing Committee of the festival, representatives of various state agencies and foreign companies and new opportunities for cooperation were created within the framework of the festival.

“Along with these issues, the TEKNOFEST Azerbaijan festival also directed ANAS to better establish its future activities”, said R.Alguliyev touched upon the importance of taking important steps in the direction of increasing the innovative potential of ANAS, entering the domestic and foreign market with achievements in the field of application, preparation of national intellectual products, commercialization of scientific activity, increasing the authority of ANAS in society.

Noting that great achievements have been achieved as a result of intense intellectual labor carried out in many areas of ANAS, the vice-president noted that it is necessary for the Academy to build its activities in accordance with the challenges of modern times.

Speaking about the importance of the ideas expressed in the speeches of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Nobel Prize laureate Aziz Sanjar, R.Alguliev noted that increasing the high-tech potential of Azerbaijan and ensuring its technological sovereignty is one of the important issues facing our country. Academician added that, one of the main goals of “TEKNOFEST Azerbaijan” is to ensure the technological sovereignty of our country, to adapt it to the pace of development of the modern era, to support the application of existing opportunities in Azerbaijan in line with global challenges.

“Currently, relevant government agencies are developing a national strategy for the application of artificial intelligence technologies in our country,said R.Alguliyev said that these processes also set important tasks for Azerbaijani scientists. According to the academician, ANAS, the flagship of Azerbaijani science, should take an active part in these studies and give preference to research in line with international challenges.

Noting that in recent years technologies have penetrated into all aspects of society, R. Alguliyev noted the importance of ensuring various security measures, legal, philosophical and ethical issues in the era of artificial intelligence technologies, the Internet of Things, the information explosion, conducting relevant research in the field of technological culture, as well as supporting the tasks set by the head of state in this direction, noted the importance of accelerating the work carried out in this direction to make a scientific contribution to our society.

Academician R.Alguliev noted that at the end of his speech, it is planned to start preparatory work in the coming days to prepare for the next “TEKNOFEST” to be held in Samsun, Turkey and all opportunities will be mobilized for the successful representation of Azerbaijani science at the festival to be held next year.

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