Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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The names of the winners of the Jafar Jabbarli Award announced
14.10.2024 15:34
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The names of the winners of the Jafar Jabbarli Award announced

The next meeting of the Jafar Jabbarli Award Commission was held.

The chair of the commission, the granddaughter of Jafar Jabbarli, Gamar Seyfaddinqızı stated that this award was established in 1935. According to her, after great upheavals and interruption in social and political life, the Jafar Jabbarli Award was restored in 2001 at the initiative of Gulara Jabbarlı on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the writer. Over the past 23 years, the commission has held 10 meetings and more than 80 individuals from the fields of science, literature, culture, art and the press have been awarded the prize. 

This year, the President of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli, Doctor of philology, Professor Ismayıl Mammadli, honored art worker and Doctor of art studies, Professor Israfil Israfilov, researcher, translator, and literary scholar Mirza Mashov, writer and publicist Nariman Abdulrahmanli, writer and publicist Kenan Haji, poet and publicist Aghasefa Yahyayev, honored artist Shovgi Huseynov, actress of the State National Theatre of Young Spectators Simuzar Agakishiyeva and film director Iman Macidov have been awarded the Jafar Jabbarli Prize.

Konul Mammadova, a senior teacher at Ganja State University has received a special diploma. 

The awards ceremony will be held on October 17.

Reyhan Majidli, Public Relations, Press and Information Department of the Presidium Administration of ANAS

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