Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Next “Non-Western Modernity in the discourse of postmodern and cultural polyphony” monography published
21.09.2015 07:43
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Next “Non-Western Modernity in the discourse of postmodern and cultural polyphony” monography published

The next monograph titled “Non-Western Modernity in the discourse of postmodern and cultural polyphony” was published by Deputy Director of ANAS Institute of Philosophy and Law, PhD in philosophy, Associate Professor Rzayeva Roida.

The monograph is devoted to philosophical cognition of post-modernist indicators in not-western countries in the conditions of the changed cultural context by the example of the Turkish society through a prism of interdisciplinary approach.

The book represents the independent research developing ideas of the previous monograph "A postmodern and multiculturalism: interdisciplinary discourse".

In the book are analyzed the issues of transformation of the public consciousness, religion in postmodern narratology, habitus, identity politics of the body, symbolic representation, etc.

The publication covers the dichotomy of "West - non-West", as well as post-Soviet society in the context of postmodernism, due to the variability of socio-cultural content.

The monograph is addressed to the scientists, experts who are engaged in a perspective of a postmodernism and multiculturalism and the processes interfaced in a varying degree to a postmodern, multiculturalism, a paradigm of the West - not West, non-Western modernity, social culture as well as all those interested in modern philosophy. The book can be used as a manual.

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