Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


17th volume of “Selected works” by Academician Yagub Mahmudov published
06.10.2023 16:01
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17th volume of “Selected works” by Academician Yagub Mahmudov published

The 17th volume of "Selected works" by full member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), Honored Scientist, State Prize laureate Yagub Mahmudov has been published.

The new edition includes versions of Yagub Mahmudov's "Real History and fiction of "Great Armenia" book published in Azerbaijani, Turkish, English, Russian, German and French languages.

The "Real history and fiction of "Great Armenia", which has been published in eleven languages, based on the primary sources, reveals that Armenians migrated to Asia Minor from the Balkans, their ethnic origin is relative with ancient Phrygians and they are not indigenous population of Asia. It was proved for the first time that modern Armenians have emerged under the names of “Armeniya”, "armyane", "Armenian" after moving to Eastern Anatolia. There had never been a state dubbed "Great Armenia". The notion of "Great Armenia" has been contrived by the Armenian falsifiers with the goal to adapt the territories of Azerbaijan, Turkey and Georgia.

The scientific editor of the 17th volume of "Selected Works" is the winner of the State Prize, PhD in history Guntekin Najafli, designer is Mehri Khanbabayeva, PhD in mathematics, and technical editor is Aydan Alimammadova.

The print versions of the "Real history and fiction of "Great Armenia” book in Hebrew, Georgian, Arabic, Persian and Spanish languages will be included in the 18th volume of the "Selected Works".

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