Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


06.10.2015 14:54
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Farewell ceremony with prominent scientist Nadir Seyidov

Farewell ceremony with prominent scientist Nadir Seyidov

On October 6, main building of ANAS hosted for the ceremony of farewell with a prominent Azerbaijani scholar with Orders of "Shohrat" and "Sharaf", one of the brightest luminaries of the school of macromolecular compounds and petroleum chemistry, honored worker of science, personal scholarship of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Academician Nadir Seyidov.

The ceremony was attended by officials of state and government, MPs, scientists and artists, intellectuals and the public figures.

By the coffin of the deceased, wreaths were laid on behalf of government organizations and various groups.

Mourning meeting was opened by the Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli, who spoke about the fruitful scientific activity and the contribution of scientists to the development of chemical science in our country.

Stressing that his entire life scientist dedicated to the development of chemical science, Vice-President of ANAS noted that Academician Nadir Seyidov’s rich scientific and educational activities over the years contributed to the development of education and science in the country.

It was noted that, Academician Nadir Seyidov was known for his fundamental research in the field of petrochemical synthesis and macromolecular compounds. His studies have found the solution to the most pressing issues of the scientific sphere, and the results have a high practical value. Under the guidance of scientists have developed technology of production of new synthetic rubbers and recommendations for their use in the industry, as well as carried out extensive research in the direction of the production of synthetic oils and additives. Preparation and application of a number of new high-performance catalysts used in the process chemistry, as related to the name of Nadir Seyidov.

At the farewell ceremony were Academician-secretary of Department of Chemical Sciences, Academician Dilgam Tagiyev, Academicians Abel Maharramov, Vagif Abbasov, Vagif Farzaliyev, Akif Azizov, who spoke about rich scientific work of the scientist, his merits in the development of the domestic chemical science, expressed deep condolences to the family of the deceased.

Son of a prominent scientist Vugar Seidov who spoke on behalf of the deceased's family and expressed deep gratitude for the respect and reverence to the memory of his father.

The bright memory of the famous scientist and sympathetic man Nadir Seyidov will always live in the hearts of those who knew him.

Then the coffin of the scientist was carried out on his last journey. The deceased was interred in the 2nd Alley of Honor.

Allah rehmet elesin!

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