Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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29.12.2015 13:28
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Department of Humanitarian Sciences presented the annual report

Department of Humanitarian Sciences presented the annual report

On December 28, general meeting of the Department of Humanitarian Sciences of ANAS (DHS) was held in an Electron conference hall of the Institute of Literature.

Opening the meeting Vice-President of ANAS, director of the Institute of Literature, Academician Isa Habibbayli spoke about governmental care and attention to science, and once more congratulated chief department of the Institute of Linguistics, Dr. Philology, Prof. Oruj Musayev on awarding the “Tereggi” medal of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the occasion of 70th anniversary of ANAS. Being unable to attend the meeting beacuse of his health, “Tereggi” medal was persented to his son.

Then reports of the scientific ventures attached to DHS for 2015 were listened.

In advance, Scientific-secretary of the Institute of Literature, Dr. Philology Badirkhan Ahmadov submitted annual report. Stated that, wide range of works have been done on preparation of V cover of VII volumed Azerbaijan literature and I cover of X volumed literature history. Also he brought to mind efficient scientific activity of Acad. Isa Habibbayli and noted that, his 3 books, and 28 articles (3 in abroad) were published within a current year.

Delivering with an annual report of National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature, director of the museum, Acad. Rafael Huseynov specially highlighted republican scientific conference “Struggle for national values and independence” devoted to People Poet Bakhtiyar Vahabzadeh. Also, he noted that, every 14th day of per month museum aires “Open door”. Having chaired for Academic Council on Philological Problems of the Republican Research Council, R. Huseynov focused on selection of research topics in a previous year as well.

Depity Director of the Institute of Lingusitcs  PhD in philology, Assoc. Prof. Baba Maharramli gave detailed information about “Nakhchivan dialectological atlas”. Prepared in 4 langauges –Azerbaijani, Russian, Turkish and English is of great great importance in terms of revealing population, language, history and ethnography of Nakhchivan Autonous Republic.

Making speech on annual report of the Institute of Manuscipts named after Muhammad Fuzuli, Deputy Director of Science, Dr. Philology, Prof. Pasha Karimov informed on the editions of the institute and noted that, 24 books (2 in abroad), 4 monographs (one in abroad) were published by institute employees. E-versions of 4 manuscripts belonging to eastern peoples and stored in Paris National Library were obtained this year as well.

Director of the Institute of Architecture and Art, corresponding member of ANAS Ertegin Salamzadeh informed on book-album “Icherisheher in Azerbaijan history”. Meanwhile, he told about significanse of article bulk “Azerbaijan mugam study: problems, prospects” which embraces medieval treatises, mugam theory, mugam and ashug traditions, mugam philosophy etc.

Director of the Institute of Folklore corresponding member of ANAS Mukhtar Imanov stated that, 3 international symposiums, 2 international conferences, scientific session at the republican level, holiday event, 2 round tables have been succesfully completed in the institute during 2015. He stressed out the importance of International Symposium “Azerbaijan-Turkey: seven great bards”. In addition made speech on International Symposium devoted to 200th anniversary of the recognition of Kitabi - Dede Gorgud monument to the world science “Epos and ethnos”.

Scientific secretary of Huseyn Javid’s Memorial Flat Natig Murselov delivered a lecture and notified the publication of 11, 12 and 13th many volumed “Non-material cultural monuments of Azerbaijan and Ertogrul Javid”. During a report year, republican conference “Role of Huseyn Javid’s works in behaving of young generation” devoted to 133rd anniversary of Huseyn Javid and 70th anniversary of ANAS was succesfully organized.

During a report year, 31 problems, 70 topics, 353 research works have been completed in 186 phases by department institutions.

After discussions reports were accepted.

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