One of the issues discussed at the next meeting of the Presidium of ANAS was the activity of the Division of Humanitarian Sciences in 2024.
Speaking about the activities of the Division of Humanitarian Sciences of ANAS in 2024, the President of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli underlined that international relations of the institutions of the division had been expanded and corresponding activities for the development of electronic movement had been implemented. The activities of the Division of Humanitarian Sciences generally cover national ideas such as independent statehood, Azerbaijanism, and patriotism, and the staff of the division work tirelessly in this ideological direction. In 2024, the staff of the division worked hard in accordance with the tasks outlined in the Presidential decree “On the celebration of the 530th anniversary of the great Azerbaijani poet Mahammad Fuzuli”. More than 10 books dedicated to the outstanding poet were published, and presented to the public at the 10th Baku International Book Fair.
Touching upon the scientific publications of the division, Academician Isa Habibbeyli said that the journal of the Institute of Literature titled “Comparative Literary Studies” has been included in the DergiPark electronic database registry of Türkiye, and work is currently underway to expand this list. In addition, the “Electronic Academy” department of the Presidium administration of ANAS works to create an electronic database for 31 journals, published at the Academy of Sciences. The enrichment of the electronic resources of these journals will create broad opportunities for their future indexing in international databases.
The head of ANAS said that the presentation of a new edition of the dictionary, translated into Azerbaijani by Khalid Said Khojaev and published by the Institute of Linguistics of ANAS, at UNESCO, regarding the 950th anniversary of Mahmud Kashgari’s “Diwan Lughat al-Turk” is one of the remarkable events in the 80-year history of the Academy of Sciences.
In his speech, the Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Division of Humanitarian Sciences of ANAS, Academician Teymur Karimli underlined that in 2024, the staff of the division worked productively. Numerous activities were carried out within the framework of the presidential decrees on declaring 2024 “Green World Solidarity Year”, on “celebrating the 530th anniversary of Mahammad Fuzuli”, etc.
Later, the scientific secretary of the division, PhD in Philology Arzu Mammadkhanli presented the report of the Division of Humanitarian Sciences of ANAS for 2024. She reported that in 2024, 437 research works on 71 topics related to 34 issues and 104 stages were conducted, 11 topics, 259 works, and 100 stages were completed.
Speaking about the publishing activities of the division, Arzu Mammadkhanli said that in 2024, 140 books (7 of them abroad), 60 monographs (8 of them abroad), 1,828 articles (430 of them abroad), 345 theses (157 of them abroad), 11 textbooks, teaching materials, and popular science publications of the staff were published and 20 of these articles were published in impact-factor journals included in the “Web of Science” and “Scopus” databases. There were 384 citations to the works of the staff.
It was emphasized that the Division of Humanitarian Sciences, which identified the challenges of the “Green World Solidarity Year” and COP29 as one of its priority directions, organized several conferences, exhibitions and published books.
The speaker also highlighted the works of the division carried out within the framework of the presidential decrees on “Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic”, “Celebration of the 530th Anniversary of the Great Azerbaijani Poet Mahammad Fuzuli,” “Celebration of the 140th Anniversary of Mammad Amin Rasulzade,” etc.
It was noted that in connection with the 100th anniversary of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, 4 books were published and 4 events were organized. Regarding the 530th anniversary of the great Azerbaijani poet Mahammad Fuzuli, 11 books, 3 conference materials, and a special issue of the journal “Azerbaijani Literary Studies” were published. Furthermore, 2 international and 4 conferences, 1 symposium, and 1 event were organized. Additionally, regarding the 140th anniversary of Mahammad Amin Rasulzade, 2 books were published and 4 events were organized and regarding the declaration of Shusha as the “Cultural Capital of the Islamic World” for 2024, 5 books were published, 1 congress, 1 conference, and 2 scientific sessions were organized.
Within the framework of the return to Western Azerbaijan, numerous books were published by the staff of the division, and 2 conferences were organized.
It was also added that an international conference was held at UNESCO’s headquarters in Paris on the occasion of the 950th anniversary of Mahmud Kashgari’s “Diwan Lughat al-Turk” with the participation of Academician Isa Habibbeyli and staff of the Institute of Linguistics. At one of the sections of the international conference, the publication of rare manuscript of Mahmud Kashgari’s “Diwan Lughat al-Turk”, translated into Azerbaijani by Khalid Said Khodjaev in Latin alphabet, and discovered at ANAS, was presented. The speaker also presented other works carried out in connection with the 950th anniversary of “Diwan Lughat al-Turk”.
Additionally, the speaker touched upon the activities of the Coordination Council for Iraqi-Turkmen Studies of ANAS. She mentioned that Professor Gazanfar Pashayev presented a scientific report titled “Azerbaijan Iraqi-Turkmen Studies: Results and Tasks” at the meeting of the Presidium and highlighted the scientific seminars and publications.
Additionally, the scientometric indicators of the staff of the division were presented, along with information on personnel potential and training, steps taken to popularize science, the scientific journals of the division, international cooperation, awards, and other related activities.
During the discussion of the report, Member of Milli Majlis, Doctor of Philology Elnara Akimova, corresponding member of ANAS Artegin Salamzade, and Doctor of Philology Sarkhan Khavery delivered speeches, highly praising the activities of the Division of Humanitarian Sciences in 2024 and presenting several suggestions.
After the discussions, the report on the scientific and organizational activities of the Division of Humanitarian Sciences for 2024 was rated satisfactory by the Presidium of ANAS, and relevant tasks were assigned to the division.
Reyhan Majidli, Public Relations, Press and Information Department of the Presidium Administration of ANAS
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