At the General Assembly of ANAS, held on February 20, the President of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli presented a report titled “From Fundamental Reforms in the Academy of Sciences to the Concept for Development and Roadmap”.
Academician Isa Habibbeyli said that March 27, 2025 will mark the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. Over the years, the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR went through many difficult and honorable stages to reach the present day.
The head of ANAS noted that the activity period of the Society for the Exploration and Study of Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijan State Scientific Research Institute from 1923 to 1932 represents the initial stage of the Academy. The period from 1932 to 1945, during which the transformation of the Azerbaijan section of the Transcaucasian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences into the Azerbaijan Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences took place, is characterized as the preparatory stage of the Academy's establishment. The period from the foundation of the Azerbaijan SSR Academy of Sciences in 1945 until 1969 marks the stage of its formation and the establishment of its scientific and organizational foundations.
The Academician said that the years 1969-1982, when the prominent statesman Heydar Aliyev led the Azerbaijan Soviet Republic, were a period of revival for the Academy’s development in our country. He added that in the subsequent years, from 1983 to 1993, as in other fields of Azerbaijani society, a gradual period of decline and deterioration was observed in the Academy of Sciences and eventually, during 1991-1993, these processes reached a crisis point. The period from 1993, when National Leader Heydar Aliyev returned to power, until 2003, is remembered as the period of reorganization and development of the National Academy of Sciences.
According to the academician, the years during which President Ilham Aliyev continues to lead the Republic of Azerbaijan with great success can be divided into two phases in terms of the development of the Academy: the first phase, the period of modernization of the Academy (2003-2022), and the second phase, the stage of renewal and reforms that began in October 2022.
“Throughout all historical stages, the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences has always stood as the guardian of Azerbaijani statehood, our native language-the state language, our national and spiritual values, our literature, and art, fulfilling the function of a Center for Azerbaijani Studies. The Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences is the cradle and creator of fundamental science in our country. Fundamental science, while being a magnificent scientific treasure of our country, is also the source and origin of ideas, forecasts, and proposals for applied sciences. Without this, it is impossible to imagine science in general, including Azerbaijani science. Today, the National Academy of Sciences is one of the main centers for Azerbaijani studies of the independent Azerbaijani state”- said Academician Isa Habibbeyli at the General Assembly.
He mentioned that since 2022, renewal process and reforms have been carried out at the National Academy of Sciences in many areas, and measures have been implemented to further expand research on realities brought about by our independent state.
The head of ANAS said that the principles of Soviet periodization based on Karl Marx’s theory of formations were abandoned, and a periodization concept based on the development of civilizations, the political-historical realities of our country, and the idea of Azerbaijanism were developed. The centuries-old common stages of the development of Azerbaijani literature, history, national culture, and the Azerbaijani language were determined. In complete contrast to the Soviet methodology of forgetting the political and historical figures, one of the main tasks of our science is to thoroughly study the lives, struggles, and ideas of historical figures, rulers, commanders, and the national heroes who were previously called fugitives and bandits.
For the first time in the history of Azerbaijani science, the concept of national philosophy has been introduced into the academic discourse, and examples of the study of idealist philosophy, alongside materialist philosophy, have emerged. The creation of encyclopedias in various fields has been initiated at the Academy, and practical steps have been taken towards the preparation of the “Heydar Aliyev Encyclopedia” and the “Western Azerbaijan Encyclopedia”.
The academician touched upon international relations issues of ANAS, saying that for the first time in its 80-year history of development, the Academy became a member of organizations such as the International Science Council, the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP), and the Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA) and is represented as an institution with the status of scientific organization with voting rights in the elections of the governing bodies of the General Assemblies of these institutions, gaining the opportunity to closely study global developments and new challenges in the field of science.
In addition, in light of President Ilham Aliyev’s declaration of prioritizing relations with the Turkic world, a Department of Philosophical Heritage and Contemporary Philosophy of Turkic peoples was established at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, a Department of the History of Turkic Art and Cultural Heritage was created at the Institute of Architecture and Art, and a Department for the Study of Turkic Manuscripts was launched at the Institute of Manuscripts.
“Mahmud Kashgari’s “Diwan Lughat al-Turk”, the foundational book of the Turkic world, was translated by Khalid Said Khojayev. This rare manuscript was discovered after 86 years. The publication of this work in three volumes and its special presentation at the UNESCO Headquarters together with Turkologists from the countries of the Turkic world is one of the most remarkable events in the 80-year history of the Academy.”- said the academician.
Currently, work is underway with the Turkish Academy of Sciences on the Azerbaijan-Türkiye joint program, with the Kyrgyz Academy of Sciences on the wordlist of the Azerbaijani volume of the “Chingiz Aytmatov Encyclopedia” as well as on the translation of the Uzbek epic “Alpamysh”. Additionally, the preparation of the three-volume “Literature of Turkic Peoples” has begun. All these activities demonstrate the Academy’s growing solidarity and cooperation with the Turkic world. Preparations have also started at the Academy for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the First Turkological Congress, which was held in Baku.
Speaking about the works carried out at the Academy in line with the policy of President Ilham Aliyev on Return to Western Azerbaijan, Academician Isa Habibbeyli emphasized that departments on the history of Western Azerbaijan, folklore of Western Azerbaijan, research on Western Azerbaijani and Karabakh manuscripts, the policy of Return to Western Azerbaijan and Armenian studies departments have been established. These departments have already produced their first scientific publications and organized conferences.
The president of ANAS underlined that large-scale structural reforms are underway at the Academy. In line with development strategy and national priorities of Azerbaijan state, several new departments have been established in various research institutes, while similar departments have been merged.
Additionally, the electronic movement was started during the period of renewal and reforms at ANAS. Through the “Electronic Academy” department created within the Presidium administration of ANAS, the electronic databases of 21 out of 31 scientific journals of the Academy’s scientific divisions and research institutes have been made available. For the first time in the Academy’s history, the Human Resources Scientometric Database, the Digital Scientific Information Resources System were established, forming a mechanism for determining the scientometric reality and citation indicators of each employee’s scientific activity. The measures have been taken in the field of developing the linguistic corpus of the Azerbaijani language. Based on the Word Processing System with universal functionality, the SUFİ robot model has been developed.
Three scientific journals of the Academy have been included in the TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM DergiPark scientific journal network of Türkiye. The National Academy of Sciences has established the DergiPark electronic journals network, which includes the Academy’s scientific journals that meet the most modern standards. Currently, ANAS and TÜBİTAK are continuing their joint work on creating a Turkic index based on a single network of electronic journals.
Academician Isa Habibbeyli said that additional works are underway to use artificial intelligence and digital technologies in the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences, based on the requirements set forth by the Digital Development Concept approved by the President of the country.
He also emphasized that a reward system has been implemented to improve the performance of the Academy’s staff in high-impact factor scientific journals, and it has proven effective, leading to significant progress. At the same time, positive results have been achieved in the area of working with young researchers. As a result of the works aimed at encouragement and rewards, competition increased, leading to tangible results.
“This event evokes a sense of pride that Mirjavid Agalarov, a young employee of the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology of ANAS, is among the laureates of the presidential awards for youth across the country, this year. We express our deep gratitude to the head of state for high trust he has shown. As every year, this year over 300 students studying in Baku and Sumgayit are doing internships at various scientific-research institutes of the Academy, the Presidium administration, and the Central Scientific Library. We attach special importance to this work in the field of integration of science and education and provide all necessary conditions”-said academician Isa Habibbeyli.
Stating that the preparation works are underway at the National Academy of Sciences for more large-scale reforms, Academician Isa Habibbeyli added that the “Concept for Development and Roadmap of ANAS for 2025-2030”, which will be adopted at today’s General Assembly, will serve as the program and guide of a new stage of renewal and reforms: “As we have already mentioned, in 35 days, on March 27, 2025, the staff of the Academy of Sciences will celebrate the 80th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences. In 2025, the employees of ANAS confidently continue their activities, developing long-standing stable traditions, addressing tasks in line with the modern challenges of world science and the priorities of the development of the republic. All of this shows that the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences continues its work, following the rhythms of development during the period of renewal and reforms”.
At the end of his report, Academician Isa Habibbeyli underlined that Azerbaijani scholars, including the staff of the National Academy of Sciences, will continue to wholeheartedly support the policy of the President of Azerbaijan and will dedicate all their efforts and capabilities to fulfilling the tasks set before them.
Reyhan Majidli, Public Relations, Press and Information Department of the Presidium Administration of ANAS
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