Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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04.03.2016 15:27
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Lecture on scientific-research activity of “Azer-Ilme” Carpet-Weaving Center listened at the assembly of Department of Social Sciences

Lecture on scientific-research activity of “Azer-Ilme” Carpet-Weaving Center listened at the assembly of Department of Social Sciences

On March 4, next assembly of the Department of Social Sciences was held.

Opening the assembly Acting Academician-Secretary of Department, corresponding member of ANAS Nargiz Akhundova drew attention to the issues of agenda.

Then, head of “Azer-Ilme” Carpet-Weaving Center, Honored Art Scientist and Professor Vidadi Muradov made presentation on scientific-research activity of the center. Giving detailed information on the activities of the Center established in 1994 and successfully operating so far, Professor Vidadi Muradov noted that, our aim is to alive carpet-weaving of Azerbaijan, continue its traditions, teach young offspring, and achieve promotion of carpets which woven with national ornaments at the global scale. 

"Azer-Ilme" has gained a reputation as a major manufacturer of high-quality, elegant Azerbaijani carpets in the world. In particular, under the auspices of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation in a number of events held in Paris, London, Rome, Moscow, Vatican, Saint-Tropez and other cities of the world, ancient carpets including the center's collection were demonstrated and Azerbaijan art of carpet-weaving was properly represented, stated Professor Vidadi Muradov.

It was noted that carpet study as a science has began to develop mainly from the middle of the XX century and have grown highly skilled carpet studiers in this area. With the goal to define the real name, national and ethnic origin and identity, dying traditions, trade history science of the Azerbaijan carpet and to improve modern Azerbaijani carpet-weaving meet with international standards, have done a wide range of works. In 2007, a scientific-creative laboratory attached to "Azer-Ilme" was created. Laboratory studies are being carried out under the fundamental research project "Azerbaijani carpets in all groups”.

Currently, scientific-creative laboratory of “Azer-Ilme” investigates Azerbaijani carpets in Guba, Shirvan, Ganja, Baku and Tabriz group, said V.Muradov also noted the publication of book and brochures “Azerbaijan carpets", "Guba group", "Baku group", "Shirvan group", and "Ganja group".

Speaking about international relations of the "Azer-Ilme", V. Muradov reported about definition of samples of ancient Azerbaijani carpets, stored in the world museums and private collections, collecting necessary information on them, as well as that, on the basis of original and rare new carpets, new samples were woven.

It was emphasized that, the center takes an active part in bringing to the public the information about Azerbaijani carpets stored in the "Victoria and Albert" museum, the "Metropolitan", San Francisco, Boston, Canada, Russia. Informed on Training Center of carpet weaving created under "Azer-Ilme", Director of the Center reported that, about 100 students were trained in carpet-weaving secrets. He also spoke about the work carried out in 2007-2015 within the framework project "Azerbaijani carpets with all the groups".

Noted that, "Tabriz carpets" book was published in Azerbaijani, Russian, English, Hebrew, French, German and Italian languages in 2013. The book reflects essays about the history of South Azerbaijan carpet weaving, artistic and technical features and symbols of presented carpets.

"Nakhichevan carpets" book-catalog and textbook "The carpets of the Gazakh-Borchali region" were also published by the Centre.

Event also discussed the issues on changes in the structure to the Institute of Philosophy and Law, and National Museum of Azerbaijan History.

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