Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


14.03.2016 17:30
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Scientific ventures of ANAS held the day "open door" for students

Scientific ventures of ANAS held the day "open door" for students

By joint organizational support of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Institute of Microbiology, Institute of Botany, Central Botanical Garden of ANAS due to promote biological science among schoolchildren was held a day of "open doors".

Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Institute of Microbiology, PhD in biology Vusala Khalilzada told the 6 grade of students of the school-lyceum complex No 43 on the establishment history and activities of this scientific venture.

Next was listened lecture by researcher of the Laboratory Environmental Microbiology of the Institute, PhD in biology Aygun Gasimova on "Micro-world surrounding us” dealing with research process, methods of planting and cultivation of microorganisms in the laboratory." In keeping with the theme, using laboratory equipment students were shown certain experiments. Under the supervision of researchers of the Institute Afsana Huseynova and Ayten Abushova, schoolchildren examined microorganisms under a microscope. Also, the process of planting microorganisms in microbiological boxing has been clearly demonstrated.

Students then visited the Institute of Botany. Researcher of the Department of Embryophyte Systematics PhD student Shahla Mirzeyeva informed about a rich herbarium specimen stored in the Institute, conditions of their storage and digitization. The young specialist Khanum Hasanova, familiarizing students with the exhibition "Green treasure trove of Azerbaijan" and an interactive map, gave information about the area of distribution of forests and Hirkan classic relic species of trees.

In conclusion, the students visited the Central Botanical Garden. PhD student of the institution Aynur Arabzadeh told the students on endemic and rare species of plants belonging to the flora of Azerbaijan included in the collection of the Garden, including demonstrating medicinal plants, reported about their distribution, importance and problems of protection.

Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Garden, PhD student Farid Seyfullayev made speech on dendrology, its meaning and applications. Young scientist explained to the students the right to take wood samples for determining the age of trees in accordance of color and the thickness of tree rings. Discovered fossil wood samples during archaeological excavations aroused great interest on students.

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