Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


1st Republican scientific-practical conference “Multidisciplinary problems of e-medicine” to be held
26.04.2016 16:45
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1st Republican scientific-practical conference “Multidisciplinary problems of e-medicine” to be held

By joint organization of Presidium of ANAS, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Medical University and Institute of Information Technology of ANAS will be held 1st Republican scientific-practical conference “Multidisciplinary problems of e-medicine” on May 24, 2016.

Key directions of the conference:

1. ICT problems of medicine

- Informatization problems of medicine (technological and normative-legal base of medicine informatization, legislative basics of medical data exchange, e-medicine in e-government platform, electronic medical cards, automation of medical institutions and drugstores, medical registries, medical standards, classification, terminological and socio-economic aspects of e-medicine etc.)

- Data resources providing support for data processing, management of e-medicine and various decisions, technologies, services, methods and tools (mobile-medicine, Interne-medicine, web-technologies, medical information systems, cloud and grid technologies, GIS technologies, sensor networks, integration of medical information resources, multimedia technologies, intelligent analysis, support systems of medical decision-making, knowledge and database, Big Data, methods and means to ensure the security of medical data, medical images and signals processing, etc.)

- Continuous medical education and staff problems, information support of fundamental medical research (medical contents, information support of medical studies, medical informatics, electronic medical libraries, e-learning and assessment systems, 3D training facilities, webinars, remote medical education, etc.)

II. Medical problems of the ICT

- Medical problems of ICT (information and the extreme loading, diseases caused by the ICT impact and ICT-lifestyle diseases, ICT-dependence, etc.).

Paper design requirements:

Conference is submitted materials relevant to its directions and devoted to actual scientific and practical problems.

Volume of lecture should not exceed 4 pages (including table, picture and literature).

The lecture should be sent to electronically.

Lecture should embrace the relevance of the problem, scientific and practical importance of its solution, and results obtained.

The format of the lecture should comply with IEEE standards. Sample_IEEE.doc template should be used to create the file. Formulas should be typed at "Microsoft Equation" editor (standard parameters). The name of the lecture, summary and the author (s) surname (s) should be added in English.

Lecturers should prepare slides in "MS PowerPoint" editor "On-screen Show" ("Display") format. Lecture can be presented in one of the working languages of the conference (Azerbaijani, English and Russian).

Template can be downloaded from: Sample_IEEE (eng).doc.

Azerbaijani translation of Sample_IEEE.doc template: SampleIEEE (aze).doc.

Important date:

Deadline for the submission of lectures - 05 May, 2016.

Address: Baku city, B.Vahabzadeh Street, 9A.

Contacts: (+994 12) 539-97-39; 537-22-97


Fax: (+994 12) 539-61-21

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